Chapter Sixteen

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Carol and Mr. Gar knocked on the door. Moments later, it opened to reveal Fink. She scowled at them.

"What are you lowlife heroes doing here?" She said. Carol glared at Fink.

"We're the lowlifes?! You're the villain!" She exclaimed. Mr. Gar placed a hand on Carol's shoulder. Carol sighed. "We need to talk to Professor Venomous."

"I don't know if I want to let you..." Fink crossed her arms. Carol sighed angrily.

"Fink." Said a voice from behind. Fink turned around and saw Professor Venomous. "I'll take it from here."

"Yes, sir!" Fink said. She then walked away. Professor Venomous turned to them.

"What are you doing here?" He asked.

"Darrel said you brought KO here. I want him back." Carol said. Professor Venomous raised an eyebrow.

"I don't recall bringing your son here." He said. Carol huffed, getting annoyed.

"I know he's here. He came for Y/n. And where is she?" Carol looked past Professor Venomous, trying to see inside. Professor Venomous stepped in the way, though.

"She's busy." He said. Carol glared at him.

"You're hiding something in there, aren't you?" She asked. Professor Venomous crossed his arms.

"No. I can show you. Would you like to come in?" He asked as he stepped out of the way. Carol looked inside. She only saw a long hallway.

Carol and Mr. Gar stepped inside. Professor Venomous led them down the hallway until they reached a door decorated with pictures that were drawn by a child. Professor Venomous opened the door slightly to reveal Y/n sitting on the bed, doing homework. He then shut the door.

"I told you. She's busy." Professor Venomous said. Carol furrowed her eyebrows.

"But what about KO?" She mumbled. She felt her eyes begin to sting as she held back her tears. She had no idea where he could be anymore.

"Sir, that kid is missing-- Oh..." Fink had run into the room, yelling things until she noticed the two heroes. Professor Venomous' eyes widened.

"Kid?" Carol muttered. She gasped. "KO is here! You lied!" She turned and opened the door to Y/n's room. She rushed over to Y/n and tried to grab her shoulders, only for her hand to go right through. It was only a hologram. "Where are they?! Where is KO and Y/n?!"

"Like we'd ever tell you." Fink said. Professor Venomous glared at Fink.

"Fink!" He hissed.

"Where are they?! I know they're here!" Carol said.

"No, they're not. Fink was talking about... Her friends." Professor Venomous said, trying not to alarm the two heroes. Carol grabbed Professor Venomous by his shirt and made him look at her.

"Where is KO?" She asked in a low voice.

"Fink, activate security protocols." Professor Venomous said. Fink smiled excitedly and ran away. Carol gasped.

"Gar! Get her!" She pointed at Fink. Mr. Gar then chased her down, but she was too fast. She found a large lever on the wall and pulled it down. The entire house went dark. Carol felt hard, robotic hands grab her and try to pull her away. She punched the robot in the face, causing it to fall over. She then crushed the head, deactivating it. She looked around the dark room. She had lost the others.

She made her way down the hall, the only light being the emergency red lights glowing dimly. It was unsettlingly quiet. As she was walking, a robot suddenly jumped in front of her. She gasped, startled, and kicked it in the face, knocking it's head off. She sighed as she watched the robot body fall to the ground.

"Is that all he's got?" Carol muttered to herself. She expected Professor Venomous to be much stronger than this.

"Oh, no, it's not." A feminine voice spoke up.

Mr. Gar walked down the dark hall. He had called out Carol's name multiple times, but got no answer. As he was walking, he hit a dead end. He then turned around. There was another wall behind him. That wasn't there before.

The walls suddenly started closing in on him. He gasped. He was trapped, and was about to be squished to death. He tried to punch the walls, only to find out they were steel.

"Carol!" He called out in alarm. He knew he wouldn't be able to hear her. He looked around, trying to find something he could get out through, but he knew it was hopeless.

Carol watched as a teenager approached her. She had wild pink hair and a punk outfit on. She was holding a metal bat that had dents in it.

"Hey, there, Carol." The girl said. Carol raised an eyebrow.

"Who are you?" She asked.

"Oh, that's right. You don't know me. Let me introduce myself. I'm the reason you'll never see your son again." The girl said as she smiled wickedly. She raised the bat and swung at Carol. Carol gasped and jumped back, barely dodging it.

"Where is KO?! Tell me!" Carol ordered.

"Oh, I don't actually know where he's at. I only know what happened to him." The girl said. Carol furrowed her eyebrows.

"What? What happened to him?" She asked. The girl chuckled.

"Y/n may or may not have killed him. She beat him up with this very bat. And then pushed him right over the edge of a drop off. I don't know where the body is at." The girl said. Carol's eyes widened.

"H-He's dead?" She stuttered. The girl nodded.

"And he is never coming ba--" The girl was cut off as something hit the back of her head. She fell over, knocked out. Carol looked down at what was behind her.

"We need to help Tko now." They said.

Mr. Gar was pressed against the wall, there was no room at all anymore. He was done for. He knew he was.

He suddenly felt the walls stop moving. He furrowed his eyebrows, confused. The walls started moving back, giving him room. He fell to the ground. He saw a door open, and Carol rushed in.

"Gar! Are you okay?" She asked. Mr. Gar nodded.

"I'm fine. Did you find KO?" He asked. Carol frowned.

"Well... Not yet. But she does." She pointed to someone in the door. Mr. Gar looked and saw someone.

"C'mon. We need to help him." Y/n said as she lifted her metal bat up. "He needs it."


You're Our Shooting Star (KO x Reader x Tko)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum