Chapter Fourteen

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Y/n slipped and fell into the darkness. She didn't scream. She thought she deserved this. She hurt KO and Tko. She deserves to feel pain. Maybe she'll die. She doesn't care. She felt too guilty to care.

Y/n felt tears stream down her face as she fell. She squeezed her eyes shut, waiting for impact. But instead of hitting the ground, she felt something wrap around her sides. She opened her eyes and gasped.

"T-Tko?" She stuttered. He held her close.

"Y/n, I can't fly. It hurts too much." He said. Y/n felt a pang of guilt inside her.

"Why would have jumped if you can't fly?" She asked.

"Because. I promised you I would protect you. I'm not going to let you die." Tko said. Y/n choked on a sob.

"I-I'm so sorry, Tko. I ruined everything between us. I hurt you, I hurt KO. I said I hated you when I don't. I love you. I love you so, so much. And now we're going to die." She said.

"It's okay, Y/n. I'm here. We're here." Tko said as he smiled weakly. Y/n laughed sadly and pulled him close, smashing her lips on his.

Tko ran his hand through her silky h/c hair, focusing only on her. He didn't care that they were about to die. All he wanted was be with the one thing that made him happy. Y/n.

Y/n turned her head slightly, making the kiss more passionate. Her hands slid down to his sides as she pulled him closer, closing every gap between them.

At the last moment, she used her last burst of adrenaline and tried to use her powers to save him. She held him on top of her so she would be the one who crashed. The fall slowed just the slightest bit. They finally hit the ground, the loud sound of them crashing echoing.

Everything was dark for a moment. Tko thought he was dead. But then a searing pain shot through his body, and he realized he was still alive. He groaned and opened his eyes. The darkness was still there. They were at the very bottom of the drop off in the room. The bottom was almost pitch black, the only light being very dim since it was all the way at the top of the room.

He looked down noticed Y/n. She wasn't moving. He lifted her head up and held it close.

"Y/n, wake up. Wake up." He said. He was trying not to cry, but he couldn't help it. He knew there was a small chance she would actually wake up. "Please, Y/n, wake up."

He tried to listen for her breathing. He could hear her breathing just barely. He breathed a sigh of relief and hugged her close.

"I'm gonna get you out of here." He said to her. He lifted her up and tried to stand, but his leg hurt too much. And the pain intensified once they crashed.

They were stuck. Trapped. There was no way out. And there was still a possible chance of Y/n dying if he didn't get help. He fell to his knees. There really was nothing they could do now. Y/n was going to die because nobody could help her and Tko probably had a few broken bones and needed help, too.

Tko sighed and looked at Y/n. She was barely alive. Who knows how much pain she's feeling right now, physically and emotionally.

"I'm sorry, Y/n. I'm sorry I couldn't save you." Tko said. He held her close and hoped someone would come to save them.


Carol paced around the store nervously. KO was missing, and Y/n was no longer at the orphanage so he couldn't be with her.

"I'm sure he's just hanging out with his little friend Dendy." Mr. Gar said.

"I already checked with her! She hasn't seen KO anywhere! I checked with Enid and Rad to see if he went to stay with them at Enid's school and he's not there! I've looked everywhere I know he could be at! I don't know where he's at!" Carol said.

"Maybe he was walking around town. We could check my cameras." Mr. Gar suggested. Carol nodded.

"Okay, that sounds like a good idea." She said. 

Mr. Gar led Carol to his office and turned the screens on. He then replayed everything that had happened from last night to today.

As they were going through it, the time in the video turned to four a.m., and that's when Carol noticed something.

"Stop." She said. Mr. Gar paused the video. The only thing he saw was himself opening up the bodega.

"What? It's just me." He said.

"No, not that. That." Carol pointed to a figure in the background. It was just a shadow from that camera's position. Mr. Gar changed the camera perspective to one that was more close to BoxMore. From there, they finally got a good view of them. They looked just like KO except for the blue headband and golden eyes.

"Is that... KO?" Mr. Gar asked.

"He must have a new form he never told me about... And he's at BoxMore!" Carol grabbed Mr. Gar's wrist and rushed outside.

They made their way over to the factory and walked inside. Robots stared at them, wondering what in the world they were doing. But Carol ignored them and made her way to Darrel's office.

She kicked the door down, surprising Darrel. She walked up to his desk.

"Where is he?!" She yelled.

"Who?" Darrel asked, seemingly unfazed by her despite the fact that she was angry.

"KO! I know he was here! Now you're going to tell me where he is or I'm going rip your circuits out!" Carol threatened. Darrel chuckled nervously.

"N-Now, now. Let's not get violent. I'll tell you where he's at. On one condition." He said.

"What?" Carol said through gritted teeth.

"You can't protect your precious bodega for one full day, and we can attack it. You won't be able to do a thing about it." Darrel smirked.

"What?! No!" Carol said.

"Okay." Mr. Gar spoke over her. Carol raised an eyebrow, surprised.

"Gar? What are you doing?" She asked.

"We have to find KO. If that means not being able to protect the bodega for one full day, then fine. I can rebuild whatever they destroy. We need to do this to find KO. Who knows what's happened to him." Mr. Gar said. Carol sighed.

"All right. One full day. If you tell me where KO is at." Carol said.

"Deal! KO came here trying to find a way to Professor Venomous' home. He said he was trying to save Y/n or something like that. We called Professor Venomous and they took him." Darrel explained.

"Okay. Let's go, Gar." Carol said as she turned to walked out of the room.

"Oh, and remember..." Darrel said. "No protecting your bodega."

Carol looked at Mr. Gar and sighed. They walked out, and began their trip to Professor Venomous' house.

hehehehehehehuhuhuhuhuhuhuuuu if you think that after they save Tko and Y/n the story will end, you're dead wrong.

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