Chapter Twelve

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KO and Tko hadn't seen getting captured and put in a dark room in their plan. Of course, their plan was to go in, guns blazing, and take Y/n from someone extremely powerful.

Despite the fact that Professor Venomous could defeat them in seconds, they still went, no plan at all. It was kind of sad, seeing as how they were so confident in saving Y/n, only to fail.


KO and Tko had formed Pko in order to work together. They were going to sneak in, find Y/n, and bring her home.

"Ready?" KO looked at Tko, who hadn't said a word since they decided to save Y/n. He was obviously upset.

Tko nodded. KO sighed and looked ahead. The sun was still down. They had left early so that nobody would try to stop them.

Pko walked down the sidewalk. They had a hoodie on so that nobody would recognize them. They couldn't have anyone slowing them down.

"Where does Professor Venomous even live?" KO asked himself.

"We need to find Boxman." Tko spoke up. KO looked at him.

"You think he'll know?" He asked.

"Boxman sends him lots of shipments. If we could just hide inside one of his shipments, we can find Y/n." Tko said.

"Good plan. Okay, let's go to BoxMore." KO said.

They walked down the sidewalk for a short while. Once they got to BoxMore, the sun was rising. Across the street at the plaza, they could see Mr. Gar just now opening the store.

"Mom is expecting us to be at home in bed in just a little while. I knew we should have left a note!" KO started panicking.

"She's going to worry either way! Once we get Y/n, we'll deal with Mom. For now, we need to focus." Tko said. KO took a deep breath and sighed.

"You're right. I need to focus. C'mon, we'll need to get in through the vents." He said.

They looked around the building until they found a vent behind the building. They climbed into it. It was dark inside, the only light shining from outside.

They crawled down the vents, taking random turns until they came to a fork in the tunnels. There were four tunnels, each leading into darkness.

"Which way do we go?" KO wondered.

"It doesn't matter! They're all bound to lead to the shipment room." Tko said.

"Well, we need to take the shortest way so that we make it on time. They're not going to keep the shipment waiting on us." KO said.

"Ugh, we'll take this one. Like you said, they're not going to keep it waiting on us so we can't spend all morning trying to pick which way to go." Tko said as he pointed to the far left tunnel. KO sighed.

"All right." He reluctantly agreed.

They continued crawling down the tunnels until they came to another vent opening. They looked through it. They saw Darrel and Shannon arguing. They didn't know what it was about though, nor did they care.

As they continued on, they heard a loud shout. They stopped and looked back out the opening.

"Someone's in the vents! Get them!" They heard Shannon shout. In a panic, they began scrambling around in the vents, trying to get away. But with both of them panicking, they were no longer in sync.

"No, no, no!" Tko shouted as he tried to find another way out.

"We're dead!" KO exclaimed.

Shannon cut clean through through the vent with her saw hand. With her other hand, she grabbed Pko and dragged them out.

"It's that little brat KO!" She exclaimed, holding them up for Darrel to see. Pko kicked their legs around, trying to escape her grip.

"Let me go!" They shouted.

"We might. If you tell me why you were spying on us." Darrel said as he walked to them. Pko glared at him.

"We weren't spying! We were trying to find our way to the shipment room." They said.

"Why? What do you need from there?" Darrel asked.

"We were going to sneak in there and try and take the ride that's taking a shipment to Professor Venomous' house. We need to get there now." Pko said.

"Hm... I don't know if I want to let you. You could have been a neighborly person and  just ask for a ride." Darrel smirked. Tko growled.

"Neighborly?!" He exclaimed.

"Tko, calm down. We'll get out of this." KO said.

"We really need to get to his house. Please let us go." Pko said.

"Huh, that was a change in attitude. Now you're trying to be nice." Darrel said. Pko growled. But before they could say anything, Shannon interrupted.

"Uh, Darrel, don't you think we should tell Professor Venomous about this?" She said. Darrel was quiet for a moment, thinking. He sighed.

"I guess we should. Tell Ernesto to call him." He said. Shannon nodded.

She brought Pko to an empty room with a large metal door. The walls were metal as well and there was no windows. She threw them down on the floor and closed the door, leaving them in the dark.

"What are we going to do now?" KO asked as he sat down on the floor and got in a fetal position. He was scared.

"We're going to wait until Professor Venomous gets here. He's probably going to bring Y/n along just to torture us. That's when we strike." Tko said.

"But what if we can't beat him? What if we fail Y/n?" KO asked. He felt his eyes watering. He thought he was never going to get to talk to Y/n again. He felt awful about this because he loved her, and there was a possibility that they would soon be enemies.

"We won't. I'm gonna keep my promise to protect her, and you're going to keep your promise to save her. We have to." Tko said. "We just need to be patient."

It was strange. Usually, KO would be the one to say this, and Tko would probably be the one to give up. But now KO was the one giving up and Tko was the one to be positive. Maybe that's what love does. It can change you. And that's what it was doing. Y/n was KO's weakness, and she's what made Tko positive.

But they were okay with that. It made them feel better. KO found his weakness and now he knows how to stay strong. Tko found something that made him happy, and he plans to keep it.

Now all they had to do was save her.


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