Chapter Five

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KO woke up the next morning in Y/n's arms. She held him close, refusing to let him go. He didn't want to wake her up, so he carefully removed her arms. As he was slowly moving, he lost his balance on the hammock and fell off, the thud waking Y/n with a scare.

"What happened?! Are you okay?!" She pulled him up, searching for any hurt spots. KO grabbed her shoulders and turned her to his face.

"I'm okay. I just accidentally fell off the hammock when I was getting up. I didn't want to wake you up so I was trying to be careful." KO assured, smiling. Y/n sighed.

"You sure you didn't hurt anything? I could probably help you with any hurt spots..." Y/n said.

"I'm fine, I promise. But if I were hurt, you'd be able to help me because you're a star." KO said as he smirked.

"You still believe that?" Y/n asked.

"I know you are one! You're just keeping it a secret." KO said. Y/n smiled and rolled her eyes.

"Whatever. I've gotta go get ready for the day, so I've gotta go in." Y/n said as she turned to the door.

"Wait!" KO stopped her. She turned and looked at him. "Can't I go in with you? Just for a moment?"

"KO, no! I don't want to see my..." She trailed off, seemingly trying to remember something. After a second, it came to her. "Siblings! I don't want you to see my siblings."

"Please? I really want to go inside." KO begged. Y/n groaned in annoyance.

"Okay, fine. But only to my room. We'll go through the window." She said. KO smiled brightly as he followed Y/n to the window.

They climbed through and carefully walked across the branch. As KO was walking, the small branch he was standing on broke. He let out a loud yelp as he fell, his eyes screwed shut. When he never felt himself hit the ground, he opened his eyes. He saw Y/n holding him up. She smiled and pulled him up.

"Careful, KO. Wouldn't want me to have to use all of my 'star energy' to heal your broken bones." Y/n joked. KO huffed.

"I know you are a star. I'll get to the truth one way or another." KO said. Y/n chuckled as she opened the window to her room.

"Okay, KO. I'm sure you'll find all the secrets to life someday." She said, smiling as she crawled through the window. She held her hand out for him to take. "Now c'mon. I've got to get ready."

KO took her hand and stepped inside. He looked around the room. The walls were wooden with light blue paint, and in the corner was a bed with a matching light blue cover. On the other side of the room were some chester drawers with a mirror on top of it and things such as a hairbrush, a phone, and tooth brush and tooth paste in front of the mirror.

She pulled open a drawer and grabbed some clothes. KO obliviously watched up until Y/n started talking.

"I have to change in here. That's part of the reason why I wanted you to stay in the tree house." She said. KO's eyes widened as he blushed madly.

"O-Oh. I can go back to the tree house if you want." He said. Y/n sighed.

"No, I don't trust you to walk across the branches safely. You might fall. Just turn around." Y/n said. KO turned around and closed his eyes tightly.

He waited a minute before turning back around, and luckily, she was done. She smiled at him.

"Okay, I'm ready. Where do you wanna go?" She asked. KO shrugged.

"The park?" He suggested.

"All right. That sounds nice. C'mon." Y/n said as she led him back out the window. She helped KO across, making sure he didn't fall.

Y/n held his shoulders to make sure he didn't fall. She was walking backwards on the branches, which really worried KO. But she assured him she knew the way.

KO noticed how close he was to Y/n. It certainly wasn't as close as last night, but it was close enough for him to get a better look at her face. He noticed how her e/c eyes shined brightly in the sun, and how her hair was soft enough to look like it was angel's hair when the wind blew through it. He never noticed his ever growing soft smile as he zoned out, only focusing on Y/n.

Only then did he notice they had reached the tree house when her smile faded slightly and he saw that she was speaking.

"KO, you okay? You zoned out for a minute there. You're lucky I was holding you or you would have fell." Y/n said. KO coughed a bit as his face turned red.

"U-Uh, yeah. I'm fine. C'mon, let's go." He said as he grabbed her hand and led her outside. They climbed down the ladder and made their way to the sidewalk.

They walked in silence, KO off in his own mind thinking about Y/n, and Y/n was trying to think of a way to break the awkward tension.

"So... KO..." Y/n began, catching his attention. He looked over at her. "When do you go back to work?"

"Tomorrow." KO answered. He suddenly remembered something. Tko was going to visit her tomorrow! That would mean he would either have to wait another day to let Tko see her, or let him go to work. It was risky, but KO knew he could trust Tko now.

"Can I go with you? I don't really have anything to do..." Y/n said. KO smiled.

"Sure! I've got a surprise for you, but you'll have to wait to see it." He said. Y/n smiled.

"Cool. Can't wait to see it." She said. She looked ahead and noticed the park. "C'mon, we're here." She grabbed his hand and began running, excitedly making her way to the park. KO laughed as he followed.

He knew he was probably going to lose the bet, but it'll be worth it.

Yeeeee I finished another chapter on the computer

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