Chapter Twenty Seven

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I might actually finish this book really soon that wasn't a part of my plan

But hey, I'll get to publish my next one and I PROMISE IT'LL BE A FLUFF STORY. I know I let you guys down with this one. BUT IT HAD SO MUCH TO LIVE UP TO AND I COULDN'T HELP BUT MAKE IT AN INTENSE STORY AIDNEOFNW

Also, there's going to be a time skip to skip past the building the machine part because I'm lazy.

Anyways, hope you enjoy!

Two weeks later...

Y/n walked into the lab to see what Professor Venomous was doing. It was early in the morning, and she remembered leaving him down there to work while she went to bed. She didn't know if he got any sleep last night.

As she walked into the lab, she saw he was on the floor inside a small area inside the machine, reaching for something in the back.

"Professor?" Y/n called as she walked up to him. As he sat up, he accidentally banged his head. He sighed and pulled himself out of the tight space and looked at her.

"Y/n, I didn't know you were awake." He said. His voice was a bit quieter than usual and he looked tired.

"Did you sleep any last night?" Y/n asked.

"No. I was up working." He said. "I just need to do this one last thing." He said as he reached back inside the small area in the wall of the machine. He finally grabbed the wires he had trouble reaching. "After this, I'll be..." He plugged the two wires together, and the machine whirred to life. "Done!"

The machine glowed light blue, the same color as Glitch Face and her pixels. It was tall, and had steps that led to a round, clear glass container large enough to hold Glitch Face. The blue power was even a physical energy that filled the small space.

At the bottom of the steps was a large control panel for turning it on and off, and more controls.

"So... All I have to do is somehow lead Glitch Face into that and trap her in there?" Y/n asked.

"I know it's not the best plan, and it's definitely not foolproof, but it's all we have. The physical energy will be enough to shock her and overload her power source, forcing her to shut down." Professor Venomous said.

"What if it doesn't work?" Y/n asked. Professor Venomous looked to the side. Sighing, he said,

"Then there'll be nothing left to do." He told. Y/n looked down, thinking. If this plan failed, Glitch Face would have her and who knows what would happen after that. She may get so mad that she would kill Y/n.

"Well..." Y/n looked up and smiled confidently. "Then we can't lose. We have to stop her." Professor Venomous looked down at her and smiled a bit.

"You know, you're much stronger than Penelope made you seem like. She always told me you were weak, but the moment I saw you jump into action and save your friend KO, I knew she was wrong." He said.

"Thanks. And you're not so bad once we get along. You're pretty nice." Y/n said.

"Thank you, Y/n." Professor Venomous said. Sure, he was soft on Fink and sometimes even Penelope, but this was next level for him.

"You're welcome, Dad." Y/n said, smiling brightly. She suddenly remembered something. "Oh! I almost forgot about KO!" She quickly began walking away. "I should go get him--"

"Wait!" Professor Venomous called. Y/n stopped and raised an eyebrow, confused. Professor Venomous sighed and walked up to her. "I know you care about KO a lot. I know you love him so... You should leave him out of this. For his own safety. I took him away from you once and saw what would happen, I'm not going to let you lose him again. So, for his own safety, leave him out of this. We can solve this problem on our own."

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