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For you what is death? Death is when we die, obviously. Death is what makes our life precious, we only have one life. It is something that most of us fears, to die. But it is something unevitable, it is part of our human cycle.

Have you ever wondered how, when and why are you going to die? Some will answer yes, some I don't know. We really shouldn't think about those things so much as we are alive right now. What we need to is learn how to live a life. How we should spend our days meaningfully so that when we die, we can say that at least I've accomplished this or that. Of course we can't help but wonder things like, "When I die, would they be mourning? Would they be sad?" Our family of course is number one on the list, but how about the others? How about those people we call as friends? How about those people we love, secretly or openly. Those people whom you've cherished a lot, those people who you've shared a large part of your life. We may not be sure that even if they are important to us, they do not feel the same way we did. You'll also wonder if they will miss you or how they will cope up with your absence. Of course people will learn how to move on, it just differs on how long it is to each one of us. And because of that, we should ask ourselves on what kind of memory would you like to be remembered. At most, we like to be remembered as something, something that we can leave behind. It doesn't necessarily needs to be outstanding, it's not just about how many trophies, awards, medals or recognitions you've received. What matters most is how you treated other people while you are still living. Even in the smallest way, the thing you least expected to be, a simple guesture like giving a smile to somebody, helping a friend or merely being there when they needed.

I'd like to quote something from the book entitled, "The Little Prince" and it goes like this, "It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye." Sometimes important things come in small fragments, and those fragments are taken for granted by most of us. What we should do is that we should be aware of those things. Feelings is much more important than materials things. You should make them feel that you love them, hug them, show them you care, treat them nice, show that you appreciate them, that you are thankful they came into your life, express what you really feel before it's too late.

With death, you can think and realize something essential. With death, everything seems important that's why for now, while we are alive, we must live to the fullest. Enjoy life, do things that you want as long as you are not hurting anyone in the process. Learn to be responsible in your own actions, have correct discernment. Grow up, be mature, learn to prioritize, and do things that will benefit not only yourself but also for others. Love one another and have faith. Be optimistic and learn to trust yourself a little more, you are much more than you think you are. What ever it is that you are facing now, think that you can do it, you really can and don't forget to smile :)

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