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Now I know why I just don’t react to things… why I always have a dead pan, emotionless, no reaction, dull face. Now I know why I am not suited for acting… because I can’t express what I feel.. because I suppress it way deep under my heart, that I have a hard time expressing and showing it to other people. Maybe that’s why at sometimes my feelings just burst and expload. It hurts… I can’t take it… I just don’t know why life is unfair that I am not allowed to show it to others… maybe because I know it would not bring any good, that it would just bring trouble, misunderstandings and pain to other people so I remain silent, I remain emotionless… But please remember, who you are reading this, that it doesn’t mean I don’t feel any pain. I am hurting too. That just because you can’t see it, it isn’t there… remember that.

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