A Girl

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once there was a kid, a girl to be precise.

she was a happy and free.

her childhood is colorful.

everything seems fine. she goes to school, play, make friends, go to places with her family.

but even so, she knows to herself that it's not a fairytale.

time passes, she grew up.

she's now 12.

the once cheerful, playful and happy girl, changed.

she doesn't notice it herself, she isn't aware of what's going on around her,

she just wake up, go to school, do what needs to be done, but she's really lonely and she hates everyone else.

living in a new environment, going to a place unknown, it's just herself.

she's alone, she's sad, and because of that she doesn't have that much friends, and she doesn't do well in school.

some more years, now she's 15.

some how she manage to find real friends and be happy for the past three years.

though she's still a child, she now in herself that she improved a little.

she's silent and from time to time gets sad but it's okay because she have her friends.

after a year, she's already a college student.

new school, new environment, new faces to interact with.

she's coping good, she's back to that carefree girl but not the outgoing one, she will never be like that again.

she made many friends, though she don't know anyone besides her classmates.

everything's going well, but of course not, something happened...

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