Being loved

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Sometimes we think that no one loves us, that no one cares. It may be right at the moment but when you think about it, you are very much loved by many. If only we could always appreciate the little things, we have God who would never leave us, our parents and relatives, we also have our friends. And when you realized that, you would be thankful.


I am thankful for all the blessings that I received, may it be little, I appreciate it. Thank you very much. When ever I would feel sad or discourage, I would just think about all the things I have and how blessed I am. I would think about the times when someone unexpected helped me and how I am saved unexpectedly. I would just think of the people that inspires me to do well. I really am thankful to God that somehow, even if I haven’t known and met them in person, I got to know about them because they serves as my inspiration. Thank you for inspiring me, thank you for your words of wisdom.

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