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Surprisingly the week flew by, Monday Caroline and I decided we would go to the boys shows Friday and Saturday. I'd been with Matty for some part of the day every day he even convinced me to let him spend the night Wednesday even though I'd worked Thursday. I was thankful it was finally Friday, as I cleaned up at work I heard Gina come in the room behind me.
"Thanks for having me last night Gina you're a great cook." I smiled up at her, Thursday night I'd gone to hers for dinner with her family.
"You're always welcome hun, you excited to see that boy again tonight."
We both laughed, I'd caught her up on the drama of the last week and half last night. She seemed to be on the Matty side, saying that he sounded like a nice kid and that I should t hold back just because I had a messy couple years. Gina was very insightful.
"I am excited I've only seen them play once, and it was pretty great."
"You'll have to make me listen to them sometime, I'm going into the office but have fun tonight hun. Give that boy a chance!"
Gina shut the door behind her with a laugh. It didn't take me long to finish my clean up, and then I was headed out to pick up Caroline and head to my house to get ready.

Caroline was dressed to impress, I'm not sure if she was just excited to go out or that George was single now. She wore platform red boots high waisted pleather pants and a cropped turtle neck. It wasn't something I'd have picked but she looked amazing in it. Knowing I wouldn't be jumping around too much at this show I just picked some fleece tights and an oversized T-shirt with Ouiji board letters on the back. I slipped my black heeled combat boots to give me a little extra height to see over the crowd and headed out to the cab with Caroline.
"I'm pretty excited to see them now that I actually know some of the songs." I laughed breaking the silence of the car.
"Me too, plus I'm hoping to snake into George's mind that I am a viable new conquest for him."
"Maybe not even a conquest, maybe an actual relationship." We both laughed at that.
The ride to the club wasn't too long Carrie and I talked a little about Matty and I on the rest of the drive. I admitted to her that I might be willing to date Matty in a serious manner and give him a real chance not just fuck around. Caroline of course thought it was a good idea, as much as she worried about me she knew Matty was a good kid.
"Thank you!" We shouted in tandem to the driver as we got out of the cab.
The crowd inside wasn't too big yet but the vibe was great. There's always and excited energy in the air at a show, I think it's what makes artists love what they do. I scanned the crowd for any familiar faces, sadly I found the one I'd hoped to avoid for a long time again. Rowan made eye contact and raised her glass to me, blowing a kiss. Grinning back at her I lifted my middle finger to aim at her. Pushing all the negativity out of my mind I dragged Caroline over to the bar. While we waiting for our drinks I texted Matty.

What time do you guys go on the crowd seems anxious x

I wasn't sure he would even answer before they came on, if there was anything I'd learned about Matty in the past couple weeks it was that he was very serious about his music.
"Rowan's here, did you see her." Caroline nodded downing most of her drink in one gulp.
"She better not try anything tonight."
I laughed at her jealousy over a boy she hadn't even told that she was interested in. She pulled me out to the dance floor after another drink, we twirled and bounced around to the music a DJ  was blasting. While we danced a few boys came over trying to hit on Carrie, it was always fun to watch her blow guys off. Her style was to let them give a few compliments and try to make conversation, then if they were polite she would nicely tell them she wasn't that interested. If they were rude, she would blow up their spot, calling them out for whatever rude comments they'd made. Some boys would give up hitting on her and try for me but mostly they left me alone. I've been told it's because of my resting bitch face by some friends, by boys I've been told, "you'd be prettier if you wore less makeup", "I bet your natural hair color looks nicer", and my personal favorite, "black lipstick isn't very flattering." It made my life easier I hated making smalltalk with boys at bars. The music got quieter as Caroline politely turned down the boy chatting with her and we turned our attention to the all stage where George and Adam were setting up.
Watching Matty perform was different now that I knew him better. It made my heart race the way he scanned the crowd and the way his smile changed when he met my eyes. I swayed and sang along to the songs I knew words to. Everyone was into the music, the crowd loved them. The faces Matty made when he was playing were so interesting from intense to straight up goofy I was pretty sure if I kept coming to the shows I'd fall for him faster than anyone should.
The rest of our friends had showed up right before the boys performed. Gabbie and Chelsea were off flirting with randoms and Sam was stood off the side of the stage with Carrie and I waiting for the guys to pack up.
"Did you notice that girl Rowan still showed up tonight?" Sam asked.
"Yeah I gave her the finger when I saw her, definitely not my most mature move."
"Nicer than I feel like being." Caroline chimes in glaring out into the crowd looking for Rowan.

Come to the green room xx-Matty

"Matty texted me to come to the green room, think he means for all of us or just me."
"Just you, for a smart girl you're very slow," Sam added with a laugh. I rolled my eyes at my friends as I headed behind the stage. The door to the green room opened as I got close Ross George and Adam stepped out sweaty and smiling.
"Great show boys."
"Thanks love, are the girls here? We're thinking about having everyone back at the flat for drinks," George offered.
"They're out there I'm sure everyone will be down."
Sat on the couch in the green room was Matty, scrolling through his phone. I dropped onto the couch next to him leaning in nosily to see what he was so enthralled with on his screen.
"You realize we don't even follow each other's social media?" He asked wrapping his arm around me.
"Gimme your phone." I didn't wait for him to hand it over I slipped it out of his hand, throwing my leg across his lap straddling his legs. Pulling up my Instagram page I followed myself from Matty's account slipping my phone out of my pocket and handing his back.
We sat for a few minutes creeping through each other's pictures laughing at old hair styles and awkward photos.
"I assume that's the boy from the night we met huh?"
Looking at his phone there was a picture from when Cam and I started dating, we were sat in a restaurant booth somewhere his head on my shoulder while I sipped from a plastic straw. We looked happy.
"Yep," I moved to try to stand but Matty wrapped his arms around me, "it's from when we started dating before all the cheating bullshit."
"You look cute in it" Matty placed a soft kiss on my nose, putting a hand under my jaw to kiss my lips.
"We should head out there, George said everyone's going to yours for drinks."
"You worked all day you sure you feel like staying up with them? Tomorrow we can drink the night away with them why don't we just go to your house."
I smiled at Matty knowing him enough at this point to know he didn't care about how much or little sleep we got, he just wanted to spend the night alone. He wasn't wrong though, if we went back to his with everyone we'd be up till dawn. They would be at least, and I'd be passed out in Matty's bed in a matter of a couple hours. Matty was running his hands up and down my spine grinning between the kisses he was placing along my neck.
"Fiiiiine, but we at least have to go out there and say goodbyes to everyone. Plus I saw Rowan in the crowd and I'm worried that Carrie will kill her."
"Perfect lets go say goodbye."
Matty stood up suddenly taking me with him but not letting go of my legs. We laughed as he stumbled towards the door trying to balance my weight with his. He placed me down at the door crushing his body into mine against the closed door for one last heated kiss before we stepped out into the club.
Our friends were still hovering around the club, finishing drinks and deciding who was actually going to Matty and George's to drink the evening away. It seemed like just George, Caroline, Gabbie and Chelsea were headed there. Ross has apparently been lost to the dance floor with a tall blonde, and Sam planned on calling it an early night agreeing to drive Adam home on her way out.
"I think I'm also going to call it for tonight, I worked all day."
"Matty are going with us or Jace?"
Before Matty could answer the person we'd all been avoiding tonight butted into our little chat.
"I could come, I'll bring some friends too so no one has to be lonely." Rowan smiled, placing her empty cup on the bar and trying to lean her body against George. I could see Caroline's face starting to turn red.
"Row, we talked about this." George said sternly to her stepping out of her grasp
"I know we did babe but it's a new day, time for new adventures right?"
She punctuated her sentence with a wink directed at Matty. It took everything in me to keep my mouth shut despite wanting to tell her to stop trying to whore around where she wasn't wanted. No one had responded to her yet we were all just staring at her.
"Let's head out love," Matty said breaking the silence. He wrapped and arm around my waist leading me away from Rowan. He looked over his shoulder to see if the rest of them were following us. George was still stood at the bar arguing with Rowan while everyone headed for the door behind us.
"That bitch has some nerve." Gabbie laughed once we were on the walkway outside. Chelsea laughed along with him earning a grin from me. Caroline stared at the door until George came out looking annoyed. He didn't say anything more about Rowan, just said he'd see me and Matty tomorrow and piled everyone into his borrowed van heading back to their flat.

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