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Two hours later my hair was tied back in Dutch braids, I'd done minimal makeup just soft pink shadow with a small wing, and had dressed in plain jeans and a cropped hoodie. The anticipation was killing me as much as I waited by the door for Matty. He still hadn't told me the plan only that he would arrive in a few minutes. I started out the window thinking about how this innocent outing felt like a huge step in the direction I wasn't sure I wanted to go in. Keeping my emotions guarded was already hard around Matty, he was just so easy for me to be around. I knew that soon enough I'd have to admit to him that my past had been shitty and I wasn't the good girl he'd made me out to be in his head. As his car pulled up out front I pushed the thought to the back of my mind determined to enjoy whatever Matty had planned.
"You're supposed to let me come ring the bell, and then I'll open the car door for you." Matty smiled as I hopped down the short path to his car.
"I'm already letting you take me out when you've told me nothing about what we're doing. The least you can do is let me open my own door," We both laughed as he got back into the car and I slid into the passengers seat.

"When do I get to know where we're going?"
"Jace, we've only been in the car for 5 minutes relax. It's not too much farther."
"Just tell me so I know you're not trying to kidnap me and kill me in the woods." We both laughed.
"Way to ruin the surprise love." Matty half turned to smile at me.
A few minutes later he pulled into a lot. This time I waited to let him open my door for me, then followed him to the back of the car where he pulled out a small cooler and a blanket.
"Come on, this way."
"You really are going to kill me in the woods huh?" I scoffed as I followed him up a small hiking trail on the side of the car park. We walked less than a mile, laughing a joking with one another the whole way up before the path opened up to a small clearing and a pond. Matty was laying out the blanket close to the side of the water while I took my time to explore the small area.
"This place is amazing Matty." He came up behind me wrapping his arm around my waist, placing a light kiss on the side of my head.
"You hungry? I brought snacks because I wasn't sure what you'd want."
I turned myself in his arms wrapping mine around his neck. Thanking him I kissed him and took a seat on the blanket next to the cooler. He'd packed a prepackaged fruit salad, some crackers and cheese, and a bottle of wine with no cups.
"Honestly I thought about getting a pizza but I figured cold snacks would keep better on the walk up." He laughed.
"It's prefect, thank you."
We are our snacks quietly, Matty had turned music on his phone and it was playing softly. Laying back on the blanket I took a long sip from the wine he'd brought up.
"I met Rowan when I was 16." I said out of the blue, "my sister was really sick at the time, so I kind of got away with a lot. Rowan knew from other kids at school that I didn't have a lot of supervision at home so she wanted to hang out with me a lot. At first it was so fun, she knew people from other schools, boys specifically. We would party with her older cousins friends and come back to my house wrecked when we got tired or when  the parties ended."
Matty was propped up on his elbow now, watching me talk. I knew that if I wanted to give us any sort of chance I'd have to open up to him, but I wasn't sure how far to let him in. We were still practically strangers even if it was clear to me that I wasn't going to avoid The feelings I was starting to have towards him.
"What did Caroline think of her?"
"They were alright when we were staying in, but Caroline never trusted her to be careful going out. She's always been a great judge of character. I had a lot of anxiety going to the bigger parties which is how Rowan got me into pills."
I paused to look at Matty and gauge a reaction. There was no judgement in his face, just quiet understanding.
"My parents moved to be closer to the hospital my sisters doctor was in, I refused to go so I took care of Chris until we finished school. Even with the parties and the pills I managed to get the job at the shelter. Eventually I met Cam, he helped me to get myself together before all the cheating. Now here we are."
"I'm glad we made it here. I've got a younger brother too." I was glad Matty didn't try to give me any 'I'm sorry' speech, he definitely could tell  I didn't want to elaborate. "My brothers a lot younger though he's a good kid, my mums lucky to have him around."
"They're lucky to have you too Matty, you're a good person." I rolled on my side to face him. He was looking out at the trees a half smile on his face.
"We should go, it's going to get chilly soon," Matty stood up and helped me off the ground, "plus if I'm late for practice Rowan might be able to convince George to leave before I get there."
We rolled up our blanket and packed our trash into a bag telling each other our plans for the coming week. They had shows Thursday through Sunday night at a few venues in the area he was hoping I'd come to a few if I wasn't working. I worked till Friday but still promised to be there for at least Friday and Saturdays shows. The car ride home wasn't quiet but we didn't really talk anymore, we just sang along to the radio together. Mostly Matty sang and I pretended to while I listened to him. His voice was so calming, even if he was shouting to a song his voice made it sound like that was how it's meant to be heard.
He walked me up to the door when we got back to mine. I unlocked the door turning to say goodbye to the boy I was starting to get too attached to.
"Thanks for letting me take you out," he smiled his hand coming up to the side of my neck to pull me in for a soft kiss smiling against my lips. I put my hands on his hips, pulling him closer to me. Matty pulled away sighing and leaning his forehead against mine.
"Okay now I really am going to be late, I'll call you."
"Goodbye Matty."

Finally checking my phone for the first time today since leaving with Matty I had 4 missed calls from Caroline. I called her back right away instead of going through the messages and voicemails she left. Before I could even speak she started on a rant.
"So they actually broke up over it?" I said finally.
"Yeah, he told her he didn't want the negativity she was bringing with her. I'm thrilled personally, not just because I'd love the chance to jump him but he's right they're in such a good place right now with their music he doesn't need to be worrying all the time about her. Especially with the tour they're trying to set up he'd have to call her all the time to make sure she hasn't overdosed or fucked everyone."
"How is he about it? Were they even dating long?"
"Not too long, are you home? I'm gonna grab takeaway and come by. Should I stop for wine or do you have some?"
Getting off my couch I checked the fridge and let her know I did have enough wine for the night before hanging up. I changed into pajamas and got the tv ready for when Carrie arrived with food.
It was only about 30 minutes before my friend arrived and we quickly dug into the food she'd brought. I told her about the date with Matty, leaving nothing out including telling him about Rowan.  She was swooning over the entire day, praising Matty for being so charming.
"It's amazing honestly," she said with her mouth half full, "when was the last time you felt like someone you just met actually got you? Maybe it'll be good to give him a chance? We both know you've been over Cam for months already it's not like that's the issue here."
"I mean it's part of the issue. Especially since you mentioned that tour. Obviously I want to trust Matty but I know that he hasn't had a steady girlfriend in a long time. Being on the road with their growing popularity I'm sure he'll have a lot of distractions."
"So? You think he won't have the same worries about you being here alone with all the boys around here."
"He would have nothing to worry about with me. We both know that."
She continued to give me very good reasons why I should take a chance with Matty. The biggest reason being that she could see the way we looked at each other. Trying my best to keep my cool I brushed her off and made excuses until it got late enough that she headed off, and I headed to bed.

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