This is how it starts

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I stumbled out the door of the pub, catching myself against the railing of the stairs trying to regain composure. The cool air filled my lungs a drastic contrast to the humid smoke filled air inside. This couldn't be happening again, how could I be so stupid. I teetered down the few steps to the side walk in my sky high black heels taking my phone out to call my best friend and then a cab.
"Jace? Is everything alright I thought tonight was Cams gig?" Praising that she had answered on the first ring I divulged the entire horrific evening. Starting with arriving to the club with my on again boyfriend and his friends having many drinks while they set up before walking into the back and finding him, once again wrapped around some random girl.
"He panicked told me she was nothing to him, she slapped him saying that she's not some whore, and apologized to me for the fact that I was with such a terrible human. Then she and I walked out, had shots ,and now I'm about to call a cab fuck the show."
"I'm sorry girl, that's really shit of him I wish I'd been there he wouldn't have been making it to stage tonight." I could hear her murderous smirk through the phone. She continued to threaten him and talk me off the edge for a few minutes. "Alright hun, call me or text when you get home and we'll meet tomorrow to plot his demise."
"See you tomorrow you're a lifesaver."
Ending the call I let out an aggravated shout, calmer than I was when I stormed out, but still furious at myself for being so dumb. Pulling out my hair elastic I shook my hair out rubbing my scalp from then tight braid I had in. My phone pinged again, more apologies from Cam.
"Fucking ass."
"You alright love?" I jumped half out of my skin realizing I wasn't alone on outside. The boy that had spoken pushed himself off the wall a few feet away from me, black boots fitted black jeans that looked artfully ripped at the knee and thighs looked like they were made for him with his baggy white T-shirt and black denim jacket. "Smoke?"
"Thanks." I took a cigarette from him leaning in to have him light it before finally making eye contact. His eyes looked dark in the shadows but as he looked up I could tell that they were hazel and probably sparkled in the daylight. "Sorry if you were listening to me yelling, it's been a night."
"It's alright love, sorry about the boy he sounds miserable. Were are you headed from here? My friends about to come round to go grab drinks else where, wanna join?"
I exhaled heavily, tugging my jacket closer around me. Knowing fair well that I should count my losses and head home for the night the half smile on this strangers face and the way he ran a hand through his hair had me hooked already.
"I don't even know your name, seems unwise to leave with someone I don't even know."
He laughed
"Matty Healy, just actually played the set you would have seen if you hadn't been witnessing such a crime in the back room."
It dawned on me how familiar he looked now he must play the acoustic nights here once in a while.
"Well Matty, I'm Jace," I stubbed our my cigarette on the bottom of my heel tossing it in the bin, "and as unwise as it seems I would love to come out for a drink."
"Excellent." He grinned at me, a full smile this time, his eyes scrunching up with the excitement. At that moment a tan sedan pulled up to the curb music blasting from inside.
"Get in bitch we're going drinking!"
"That would be George, don't mind him." Matty put a hand on my lower back ushering me into the back seat my face heating up from the contact.
"Ello miss...?"
"Jace." I reached over the center console to shake hands with the goofy shaggy haired boy behind the wheel.
"Well Matthew and Jace, we still have to go get Ross, Chelsea, Sam, and Gabbie, thankfully they're all together but it's going to get cramped back there sorry."
We pulled up to a modest sized house where a dark haired boy with a short beard and a petite blond girl were sitting on the porch passing back and forth a bottle I could only assume was full of alcohol. The boy banged on the door and headed to the car. He and the blond said their hellos to Matty, George, and Adam, who was in the passenger seat when George arrived.
"I'm Jace, Matty found me." I said as a way of introduction.
"Always finding the interesting ones huh Matty?" He and George laughed, "I'm Ross, this is Sam, Gabbie and Chelsea should be out shortly if they're fucking finished with Gabs face." He rolled his eyes but everyone seemed pretty amused. As Chelsea appeared in the door way Matty squeezed an arm around my back hoisting me into his lap.
"Sorry love, you're the smallest so you get a lap." He winked while Chelsea shoved into us as she sat. Gabbie came out next his elaborate eye makeup catching my eyes before they landed on the baggie of ice against his lip.
"Did you seriously just pierce Gabbie again! You know he can't let it heal proper why are you two like this?" Adam lectured Chelsea from the front the car bursting into giggles as the rest of them jammed into the car. She tried defending herself to no avail the entire 10 minutes to the bar. The ride over seemed like forever with Matty's arm Wrapped tightly around my waist and mine hanging as lightly as I could manage over his shoulder. Pulling into the public lot a few doors down from the bar they had chosen I couldn't help but laugh at my situation again.
"I suggest we do shots first." Gabbie said as we walked in, the group shrugged in agreement and I watched him order a round winking at the bartender as he handed over some cash. He asked what we should toast to, everyone had suggestions but Matty's was the only one I heard as I downed my glass liquor burning my insides along with the words from Matty.
"To the unwise." He swallowed and winked at me.
Matty's friends were great I got on well with everyone as we drank, smoked, and danced for several hours. They flashed the lights signaling last call and we finished up our madness with one last shot. Heading out into the night.
"Who's going back to Sams?" Ross asked taking the keys from George. Gabbie and Chelsea raised their hands. Adam stating that they could drop him at his on their way.
"I'm just going to walk to mine, I only live a block from here." I announced saying goodbye to my new friends with a few hugs and a wave. As I turned to walk someone caught my hand.
"I'll walk you, it's pretty late for a gorgeous girl to be out alone. George I'll meet you back at mine in a bit." He shouted waving to him.
"Do you guys live by Sam?"
"No we actually live over the diner, Rosie's. Ever been?"
"Once or twice I have."
Matty wrapped his arm over my shoulders as we walked telling me about how he and George would skip classes and have tea and snacks at Rosie's. For the first time in a long time I feel incredibly relaxed the smell of Matty's cologne mixed with the night air and faded cigarettes is calming, I feel like I could fall asleep any moment on the walk to my apartment. As we approach mine I suddenly wish the walk was longer.
"This is me." I gesture to one side of a two family home. "Thanks for inviting me out I'm sure I'd have started a fight with that stupid boy if you hadn't."
Matty grins while I try to untangle myself from his arm. Instead of letting me go he pulls me in for a hug, one arm around my shoulder the other pulling my lower back closer to him. I can feel him chuckle lightly as I hug him back.
"You're welcome to come out with us again, I'd just need a way to reach you. Unless you want me to show up here at all hours of the night when we're out drinking." We both laugh at that releasing from our embrace, he hands me his phone and we exchange numbers.
"See you around Matty." I turn to walk up my steps but he pulls me back kissing the top of my head.
"Goodnight Jace, sleep well."

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