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Caroline got to my house with a couple pizzas around 7. During dinner we sat in my kitchen and caught her up on how Chris' vacation had gone, he was thrilled to show her pictures and tell her about getting his own flat for school.
"That's awesome kid, you're like a real grown up." She laughed patting fake tears away from her eyes.  After all the catching up and pizza eating I poured us all drinks and excused myself to go actually get dressed.
"Do you care is George brings his girlfriend?"
"Do you care? I'm alright with it as long as you are." I can tell Caroline is into George, most girls wouldn't want to hang around their crush's girlfriend. She's better than most girls though.
"Yeah, I'd rather meet her so I can know if she's a shit person. That way I decide if I'm going to try to push her off a cliff later." She laughs.
"Has he told you much about her?"
"He said she's from around here, but that's about it. I haven't pushed him for more because he looks so uncomfortable when I ask about her."
She tosses herself into my vanity chair clipping her hair back to adjust her makeup some more. I go into my closet grabbing a baggy dress from dolls kill that had long sleeves and red stripes, basically just a long shirt like most of the dresses I own. Slipping into my black docs I take Caroline's place at my mirror and put my face on.
"I don't know how you wear that much makeup all the time tonight it makes sense but you're always so motivated to get done up. I wish I was that dedicated." Caroline laughed, she's always been good at makeup but she prefers a lighter hand than I do when it comes to it. Tonight she'd done a big winged liner with light shimmer on her lid and a modest mauve lip, it looked effortless. I however chose to do a deep red Smokey eye with black liner and a lip that matched the dark red shadow. Makeup has always been somewhat of a relaxing endeavor for me, it gives me time to sort myself out before doing things.
"I just like to do it, it's like art."
We head downstairs to where my brother has gotten his speaker last set up in the living room area already playing some rap song he was into.

As all of our new friends arrived I was relieved to see my brother getting on well with everyone he met. He had us all laughing and dancing around playing dumb games on the wii. The doorbell rang so I pulled myself off the couch to open it.
"Matty!" I exclaimed a little too loudly before I stepped to the side to let him and George in.
"Jace, this is my girlfriend," George began to introduce the girl that was now next to him.
It took everything in me not to slam the door in her face. It's been years, I told myself, you can do this.
"Jasey, I didn't realize You were the friend George and Matty have been going on about." George and Matty looked back and forth between us confused.
"What did I miss?"
"Nothing," I smiled as genuinely as I could muster, "it's just been a long time since I saw Rowan. Who wants shots?"
Matty followed me into the kitchen, he took the shot glasses that were next to my sink and set them up in front of me. Watching me carefully he poured out 2 shots handing me one. George and Rowan must've stopped in the other room to greet everyone because we were still alone when I opened my eyes after the shot.
"So you know Rowan?"
"Yea, I was friends with her before." I didn't want to tell Matty about everything, he thought I was a good influence in his life.
"Can I tell you a secret," he whispered stepping a little closer to me, "I can't stand her. She always tries to get George to ditch when we have practice, and she's all over other people when she comes to the shows. It's embarrassing."
That made me smile, I knew it was spiteful to take pleasure in the fact that Matty disliked her but I couldn't help myself. We clinked glasses and went back to join our friends. George was chatting with Caroline, and Rowan while the rest of the group danced poorly around my living room. I planned to properly introduce my brother to Matty, on the off chance that I gave any "relationship" with him a try I wanted to see what my brother thought of him.
"Chris, this is Matty. Matty, my baby brother Chris."
The two exchanged pleasantries, Chris very obviously trying to seem like the protective brother he thinks he is.
"So what does your band sound like?"
"They sound great." I butted in getting a laugh from my brother and embarrassed grin from Matty.
"I wouldn't say we sound like anything, none of our songs are exactly alike it's really a mishmash of genres. Usually though we get lumped into 'indie-pop' and I'm fine with that."
"I'll have to check it out sometime."
They seemed to be getting on well enough, so I wandered away to talk to the rest of our friends. Wedging myself into the dancing group of Chelsea and Gabbie for a few songs. At some point Chris' new roommate had arrived with a friend, turning or small get together into a slightly more rowdy event.
"We should play spin the bottle," Chelsea laughed. I cringed at the idea.
"That sounds like fun! I'll go grab an empty make everyone sit!"
"Rowan are you sure that George isn't going to care that you want to try to kiss everyone in the room?" Chris had apparently heard Chelsea's idea and didn't seem elated about it either. She obviously didn't care if George minded since she flipped off Chris and headed to the kitchen for a bottle anyway.
"Spin the bottle!" Chelsea shouted, she turned the music down a little so she could be heard and got as many people as she could to sit, of course we all gave in.
When Rowan came back with the bottle the circle was Chelsea, Gabbie, Sam, Caroline, Chris' roommate and friend, Matty, Ross, and Adam.
"I'm only going to play if we make a no siblings rule." Chris announced.
"You're disgusting kid no one would suggest that go sit your ass down." I rolled my eyes at Chris taking a seat between Caroline and Gabbie on the floor.
"Jasey, why don't you go first since it's your house." Rowan suggested.
I took the bottle from her, trying to keep my eyes from drifting to Matty. I wasn't sure what the two of us were doing, but I knew I wasn't sure I wanted to watch him kiss one of our friends. Spinning carefully I kept my gaze locked on the bottle until it stopped letting out a relived breath seeing Sam on the other end of it. The boys made "ooo" sounds as if they'd never seen girls kiss before as I crawled over the middle of the circle to Sam. We exchanged a short kiss with no tongue.
"That was barely a kiss." Ross heckled as I got back into my seat.
"Yeah, I'm sure if you spin one of the boys you'll be very passionate." I gave him the finger to emphasize my point.
Sam took her turn next, getting Adam, apparently feeling bold after being teased by Ross, Sam straddled Adams lap kissing deeply for a minute before cracking up and getting back into her seat. Adams got Ross on his spin, causing everyone to laugh, Adam went in for a quick peck and Ross held the back of his neck trapping him in a deeper kiss until he started laughing. Before the bottle could land back on my I went to get myself a drink coming back to the circle just in time for Rowan's spin to land on Matty. The whole room got quiet waiting to see what she'd do. I took my seat, looking from her to Matty, then to George. Matty looked uninterested, Rowan looked ecstatic, George looked genuinely concerned. Rowan moved over to where he was sat glancing my way with a smirk on her face, she straddled Matty and kissed him like no one was watching.
"Damn girl." Said one of Chris' new friends. Rowan put on as good a show as she always had, winking at Matty as she got off his lap. No one else in the room went for the bottle or said a word just stared between the three of them.
"Chill guys it's just a game," she laughed patting George on the leg, "Matty it's your spin."
Her fake sweet voice turned my stomach and made my blood boil. How has she not grown out of torturing everyone around her. Matty was spinning now, still looking mildly uncomfortable until the bottle stopped. Pointing at me.
"This'll be rich." I heard Caroline mumble before getting off the floor I assumed to get a drink. Matty got off the floor with a smile holding his hand out to pull me up. The second I was off the ground his lips were on mine, rough in the best way. My hands tangled in his curls while his hands slid down my sides, one to my back the other playing with the hem of my dress. All my anger towards Rowan melted away in Matty's grasp. I'm not sure how long we stood there making out but it lasted long enough for my brother to start complaining.
"Seriously guys can you please stop we get it you like each other."
Blushing I pulled away from Matty, he was smiling at me and instead of going back to his seat across the room he sat in my spot pulling me to sit in front of him. Giving Chris the finger we continue the game for a couple more uneventful spins before people start taking off for the night.
My brother took off with the new roommate and friend, Adam and Jake, they're going to hit a party thrown by their classmates. Sam, Gabbie, and Ross took a cab back to Sams.
"We're gonna head out do either of you need a ride?" George asked Chelsea and Caroline.
"Baaabe, do you have to be so nice I'm sure they can just spend the night here. Right Jasey?" Rowan was wrecked, we'd all been drinking, but she was on another level at this point.
"That's fucking rude. I'd love a ride home George thank you." Caroline was usually pretty level headed but I could see her struggling to contain her anger. "Chelsea why don't you come too you can crash at my place."
Rowan's eyes rolled around in her head while she slurred out something about wanting to just be alone with her boyfriend. At this point George was the only thing keeping her upright, I'd be surprised if she even stayed awake for the 10 minute drive to Caroline's.
"Good luck George text when you get home safe okay?"
"Yea, thanks for having us Jace I'm sorry about her." George whispered the last part so only me and Matty could hear it giving each of us a half hug still holding Rowan on the other arm. The girls trailed out behind him leaving me, Matty and the mess of cups and bottles in my living room.

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