Tree | Hamliza

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AN: This is a Hamilton filled week y'all. My bad? I really don't feel sorry actually haha ANYWAYS this one is inspired by a scene in A Christmas Prince: The Royal Wedding. Enjoy!

Day 11 of Kissmas

He had forgotten how picky Eliza could be about their Christmas tree since it was their first Christmas back together. They had been walking the lot for what felt like hours. They started out hand in hand, Eliza holding onto the measuring pole. Now, Alex trailed behind Eliza as she sought out the perfect tree.

It seemed like every tree he offered, she found something wrong with it. Too short, too tall, not the right shape, too many holes, branches bare, the list went on and on. "Eliza, I feel like we've looked at every tree here."

"Just a few more. We haven't looked on the other side, where they were making the wreaths." Eliza said as she started to make her way over.

They got out of the Christmas tree forest so they could start at the front and work their way back. Before they made it to the side, Eliza gasped and stopped in her tracks causing Alex to run into her. "This is it!" She said, walking around the tree to check it. "Yes, this is the one! What do you think?" She grinned, looking over to see Alex's reaction.

By this point all of the trees started to look the same but at how her face lit up, he was able to easily return her expression with his own wide grin. "It's perfect."

Eliza cheered. "I told you, we would find it." She wrapped her arms around him, pressing a quick kiss to his cheek before she went back to the tree to wave the pole so someone could help them get it ready to take home.

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