Peace | Hamliza

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AN: OKAY so....1. I should have posted this yesterday soooo you'll get two updates from me today. 2. This little snippet is set in a verse that my friend and I created in a rp. What you need to know for this fic is that Hamilton had a daughter before he met Eliza named Allie. Eliza wound up adopting Allie due to reasons that are far too long to put in an author's note. Alex came back and fell in love with Eliza and then they became a little family and had a son named Phillip. Now...STORY TIME.

Day 9 of Kissmas

Alex was nervous. Papers were strewn all around him. His already cluttered desk held even more clutter. Plans A through E stared up at him waiting for him to make a choice. He didn't even know for certain if he had gotten the position. It was all talk right now but he already had possible outcomes laid out in front of him.

It could be deemed as unnecessary but it wasn't just him anymore. He had a family now. This new position could allow him to provide and care for his family like he always dreamed. He didn't have an example to go off of. He just knew that he was going to be better than his father and didn't want to leave his children behind like his mother. Some would say that he added on all the stress he felt himself but if they just knew that he did it all to be the very best for the family he loved so much then maybe they would understand.

"Alexander?" Eliza's voice broke through the noise inside his head. He just didn't realize this was her third attempt at trying to get his attention.

Alex looked up from where he had laid his head against his desk. "Yes, my love?" He offered her a smile and she could see the tiredness he was trying to hide.

"Come to bed, Alex. Everything will be there in the morning." She offered her hand out to him.

He looked between his wife and the papers littering his desk. Letting out a sigh, he placed his hand in hers. She was right, after all.

Arms intertwined, the made their way down the hall to their bedroom. They stopped at Phillip's room. He had started preschool this year and was already so full of energy. "He's just like his father, so full of life. He's so proud because his dad helps people. You know his favorite part about his father? Story time. He doesn't care what you do or who you help that day. He cares about sitting in your lap, hearing you do those silly voices as you tell him stories of knights, monsters, and aliens." Eliza whispered as they checked in on their youngest.

Alex looked from his wife to his son, who was sound asleep, clutching the stuffed dog he had received for his birthday. A small smile tugged on the corners of his lips. Story time with his son was one of his favorite parts too. He was just curious as to what Eliza was doing.

Going across the hall, they peeked in on their oldest. He still couldn't believe that his conejito was now a seventh grader. "Such a smart girl who is so glad that she has her dad back in her life. The only thing she's going to care about is if there will still be daddy daughter ice cream dates. Count your blessings on that one because there aren't a lot of teenagers who want to still hang out with their fathers."

He chuckled softly as they closed Allie's door. As always, Eliza was right. He had grown nervous as she grew older that she wouldn't want to spend time with him anymore. Still she didn't say anything about why she was saying these things as they checked in on their kids.

When they got to their room, she moved out from under his arm so she could face him. Eliza took his hands in hers and looked up at him with a loving smile. "Then there is me, your wife who will support you no matter what happens. You came into my life so unexpectedly but I wouldn't want it any other way. I am so proud of the work you have done and will do. My favorite part of the day though, is sharing a cup of coffee with you as we sit and watch Allie doing homework and Phillip coloring right beside her as we quietly talk about or days as if that would disturb the peace."

A watery smile appeared on Alex's features as it finally clicked to what Eliza was doing. He let go of her hands and brought them up to cup her face. "Oh, Betsey, you always know just what to say." He whispered before placing a kiss to her lips.

Kissmas 2018Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora