Shiver | Steggy

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AN: I thought I would be nicer than my previous Steggy fic. So I hope this one makes up for it!

Day 5 of Kissmas

She wasn't going to admit defeat. She had a sweater on and a scarf. The chilly night air of New York was not going to break her down to admit that Steve had been right. He had told her to bring a coat but much like a child who doesn't take the same advice from their mother, she told him that she would be fine. And she had been until the sun set and the wind picked up.

Peggy was quite sure that Steve was purposefully taking the long way home after dinner. Her hands were stuffed in her pant pockets. She kept her face ducked down in her scarf, speaking loud enough so Steve could hear her through the fabric.

Then it happened. A particularly strong gust cut through her. She tried so hard to keep it together but that was the final blow she needed to admit defeat. A shiver ran through her entire body and her teeth began to chatter.

Steve, who had been watching her the entire time, had to keep a smirk from showing on his face. "Are you cole, Pegs?"

"N-n-n-no." She said through her chattering teeth.

"You sure? Because you look rather cold. You know they make these things called coats. I know we're in the 21st century now but I'm pretty sure you've heard of them." He teased her, earning himself a glare.

"Shut up, Rogers." She said through gritted teeth, hating the sound of him gloating.

"Would you like my coat Peggy? We're still a few blocks away from home?"

"Wouldn't you be cold then?"

Steve shook his head. "I can make it. You on the other hand might catch frostbite. Did they not teach proper winter fashion in London?" He had to get at least one more jab in because he knew he wouldn't be able to for much longer.

"Are you quite done?" Peggy asked him with a raised eyebrow to emphasize her annoyance.

He chuckled as he shrugged off his jacket and draped it over her shoulders. "This was all so you could steal my jacket, wasn't it?"

"You caught me," Peggy rolled her eyes as she snuggled into the warmth the new layer offered.

Steve just smiled and placed a kiss on top of her head.

"If you think that, that forgives you for being a sore winner," she started out with that same annoyed tone he had grown used to, "you'd be absolutely correct." She finished her sentence a little quieter with a small smile on her lips.

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