Sleigh | Fiyero x Addelaide

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AN: Any Wicked fans out there?? This features Fiyero and my OC Addelaide from my story Because I Knew You. I personally imagined Aaron Tveit's Fiyero but feel free to picture who you want. Also if you enjoy this little drabble for these two go check out their story! 

Day 6 of Kissmas

A box filled with supplies sat across from them as the horses pulled their sleigh up to Kiamo Ko. While Elphaba was able to get supplies from the small village below the castle that was now her home, Fiyero and Addelaid would periodically bring her goodies that she couldn't get in the Vinkus.

Addelaide was curled up against Fiyero's side while snuggled up under the large blanket they brought for the trip. Fiyero chuckled as he wrapped his arms around his wife. "You used to live in the Quells and yet it's like you've never been to the mountains before." He teased her.

"I was in the valley, not at the tops of them. Even back home, I hated the cold." She defended.

"Well it's a good thing I'm so warm then, isn't it?"

Addelaide glared up at him. "I just don't understand why we have to ride in an open sleigh instead of a carriage."

"Because a carriage can't make it over the snow and ice."

"I could make it sunny, you know."

Fiyero shook his head. "The last time you manipulated the weather a girl from the land of Kansa appeared."

"That's not fair! I didn't even realize I had done that."

"Regardless, no more weather manipulation for you."

Addelaide rolled her eyes with a small humph. "Fine."

She brought the blanket closer to her as she snuggled back into Fiyero's side. Fiyero placed a kiss on top of her head. "We're almost there. I'll make sure you stay warm until then."

"Yeah, you better."

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