Lights | Laurliza

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Day 4 of Kissmas

Bundled up underneath their jackets and scarves, John and Eliza walked along the path towards the stage. Eliza had done this countless of times with her sisters but this time it was different. As if being with her boyfriend at Rockefeller Plaza made the tree lighting more magical than when she shared it with her family.

Still making sure her hand was wrapped around John's, she maneuvered them to her usual spot. It was off to the side, close to the event tents, and up front. They had a great view and were able to stay a little warmer thanks to the heaters under the tents.

As the musical acts performed, Eliza leaned against John, who had his arms wrapped around her. His head rested against her shoulder as they swayed together to the music. "You really come to this every year?" He asked her.

Eliza nodded. "Well, I've missed some years but I do try to come each year. There's just something about not only sharing this with New York but the millions that watch from home that truly kicks off the Christmas season for me. It's like my Macy's Thanksgiving Parade."

He smiled at her. He always loved how she viewed the world. It reminded him to pause and look around at the present every once in awhile. "Then thank you for sharing this moment with me."

"Of course." She smiled up at him just as the host announced that it was the time they had all been waiting for.

The mayor walked out on the stage, gave a small speech about the meaning of this time of year, and finally pushed the lever that turned on the lights. Eliza gasped; a grin as bright as the freshly lit tree made its way across her features as she watched the lights spiral up the tree until the star on top lit up, casting its glow on the audience. "It's beautiful." She whispered.

"But not as beautiful as you." John whispered, looking at Eliza, having paid more attention to her reaction than the actual tree lighting.

Eliza looked up to John, her smile never wavering before she placed a kiss to her boyfriend's lips.

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