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Stiles and I rushed towards the root cellar hearing the sounds of panic and screaming coming from below us. Stiles' was clutching the aluminum bat in his grip as he turned to me and I gave him a nod. We both jumped down the hole which Stiles swiftly slid the bat underneath the falling rumble and it stopped collapsing. Stiles embraced his father while I remained off to the side checking on Scott's mother for any injuries.

            "I told you aluminum would be the best." Stiles' father joked everyone else agreed while I looked at the other Beta who seemed a bit weakened by the Eclipse.

            "Are you okay, Isaac?" I asked watching him nod at me when I heard the sounds of metal scraping across concrete. My eyes turned to the bat that was beginning to slide across the floor and no one saw it happening. Soon the bat gave way and the roof began to collapse again. Isaac was still under the influences of the Eclipse, too weakened and human to do anything to stop it. Taking in a deep breath I angled my body underneath the falling rock and used my strength to stop it from falling on the group. The wind was knocked out of me as I balanced the stone on my backside while everyone cuddled together in fear that the stone will come down. "Stiles...get everyone out of here...I don't think I can hold it for long."

            "What about you?" he yelled I struggled with the huge stone on my back as it came down a small bit onto me.

            "If I move this whole cellar is going to come down on us. Get everyone out of!" I screamed watching everyone start to squirm towards the entrance where Stiles and I came from. The rock shifted again underneath me forcing on top of me while I watched Isaac try to lift Allison out of the hole. "I can't hold it for much longer...."

            "You can do it Ariel..." a voice echoed in my ears, looking ahead of me I saw my brother kneeling next to me. He wasn't really there but I could feel him inside my heart when he smiled at me. "I am so proud of you are stronger than always have been. Now prove it to them...lift this stone Ariel....lift it!" My brother's ghost disappeared as I closed my eyes taking in a deep breath and felt my eyelids burn again inside my skull. The same feeling happened when my eyes began to glow when I flashed open my eyes I felt my strength enhance more than before. Tightening my grip onto the stone I began to push the stone high into the air. Lifting the stone higher I got to my feet feeling sweat drizzle down the side my face and hot breaths pushed against my chest. At the corner of my eye I could see Stiles and everyone else looking at me with amazement as I manage to stabilize the stones until they weren't going to fall down again. I collapse to the floor with exhaustion with Stiles rushing to my side catching my body into his grip as my head rest against his chest.

            "That took a lot out of me...let's hope Scott stopped Jennifer because if that happens again I don't think I can hold it up again." I warned Stiles chuckled holding my body tightly against him. A few seconds later Stiles' cell phone rang and he quickly answered it.

            "It's over...that's great. Oh Scott...when you get here...bring a ladder." Stiles joked I could hear everyone else laugh at his response. A few minutes later I felt a wash of energy escape from me and I saw the small scar that was on my palm vanish completely.

"Stiles..." I began he turned to look at me as I showed him a clean palm which he snatched with his hands running his thumb across where the scar use to be. It was gone which means I didn't break the Vow and I was free from the obligation of it. "I'm free from the vow." Stiles smiled at my response and pulled me into a hug with relief which I caught the eye of Stiles' father behind him. He was talking with Scott's mother giving me a small smile before returning to his conversation. About ten minutes later Scott arrived with the ladder and we all exited the collapsed cellar finally free. While Stiles was talking to Scott about everything that had happened I was still looking at my hands trying to process what happened in Stiles' jeep before. I snapped out of my thoughts when I came face to face with Sheriff Stilinski.

            "I want to thank you...not just for saving my life or all of our lives but I want to thank you for being there for my son through all this." He smiled we both looked over at the spastic boy who looked over at us giving us a smile then returned to his conversation.

            "If anything...he saved me." I answered watching the Sheriff smile at me and then we turned back to the boys again. Ten minutes later after everyone else left I followed Stiles back to his jeep which I could see the frustrated look on the spastic teen's face. "Everything okay there, Stilinski?"

            "My jeep seemed intact but there are still some more problems that I can't afford to pay for." He exclaimed I watched him lift the hood of his jeep with his eyes scanned the damage his jeep.

            "What seems to be the damage?" I asked leaning against the jeep watching Stiles fiddle with some things before looking back at me.

            "Other than the windshield...the brakes seem shot because of the crash, the engine is dead and other than the normal problems this jeep has that is just the tip of the ice berg." Stiles pointed out as I leaned over to scan his car with my eyes then returned to Stiles who looked at me.

            "I think I can help you with that. I have a knack for mechanics, thank my brother for that. For right now will you allow me to hot wire it until we get back to your house then later I can fix the brakes and anything else that needs to be looked at. What do you say?" I offered watching him look at me surprised by my answer and then I saw him smile with relief. He slinked his arm around my waist and pulled me closer to him until our chests touched.

            "Is there anything you can't do?" he asked I chuckled slightly looking away from him then looking back at him.

            "Understand how I healed you." I answered watching him look at me; his eyes were soft and pulled me into a hug.

            "We'll figure it out." He whispered as I wrapped my arms across his lower back, my head was pressed against his chest and his heart beat was steady which soothed me to relax.

~~First holy shit my baby girl is strong lol and second that's the real question; how did Ariel heal Stiles? I guess we will have to find out, two more parts left of this one

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~~First holy shit my baby girl is strong lol and second that's the real question; how did Ariel heal Stiles? I guess we will have to find out, two more parts left of this one. I hope you all enjoyed this story :)~~

FRAYED (A STILES STILINSKI FANFIC) 1 #Wattys2019Where stories live. Discover now