Hospital Fight

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Stiles and I were dragging an unconscious Cora under our grips, we moved through the long corridors leaving the loud roars behind us. My grip tightened on Cora's arm that was across my neck while Stiles was leading me to the back entrance of the hospital that Melissa mentioned the ambulance was. The back door came into view as Stiles used his free hand to push it but it wouldn't budge.

"You gotta be kidding me..." he mumbled I rolled my eyes gripping Cora against me and swung my foot at the door. With my foot impacting the heavy door it swung open like nothing and hit the metal railing behind it. Stiles turned his gaze to me and I just shook my head as we pulled the injured werewolf outside. The cool air brisk against us as Stiles opened the ambulance doors. He moved ahead while I held Cora up, as soon as he was in he helped me place Cora onto the cot. Derek emerged behind us, he checked on his unconscious sister before turning his gaze to me.

            "Keep her safe." He ordered me I gave him a nod and hopped into the ambulance as he slammed the doors behind me. I watched him take off back into the hospital to find Jennifer and help Scott and Peter with the twin mega wolf. We could hear the loud roars from outside of the hospital and I could see Stiles's knee bobbing up and down with nerves.

            "Stiles...relax...your anxiety will draw them over here." I reminded Stiles pressed both hands to his head and I could him exhale in hopes to relax.

            "How can you be so relaxed?" he whispered I turned my gaze back to him, I could see the pain and fear in his eyes. I know Stiles's father was taken by Jennifer and he was on edge with everything else.

            "Stiles...I have been living this life since the day I was born. We are trained to be relaxed under stress and pressure especially if werewolves can smell those chemo signals. I was hoping moving here would change that but moving to a town filled with the supernatural made that impossible." I exclaimed looking back to the hospital seeing the flashing lights of the ambulance in the reflection of the glass. A few seconds later I saw a shadow emerging towards us. "Stiles...get down..." We both dropped from where we sat so we were both out of view of the windows.

            "If Deucalion wants the McCall boy and Hale then I will use their friends as bait." A female voice snarled I knew it was Kali; my gaze turned to Stiles pressing my finger to his lips and watched him nod. The door before me flew open and I used my feet to force Kali backwards then landed on the concrete. She snarled at me when she stood back up, I took my blade that was holstered behind me and flung the blade out. The metal blade began to glow bright as Kali roared at me hoping to scare me but I wasn't. "You think you can handle me little girl?"

            "I can handle your Voltron are nothing." I smiled clutching the blade's handle in my hand giving it a small twirl while I watched her upper lip snarl against her fangs. She took a small step forward where my gaze fell onto her feet, they were bare and had claws protruding through them. "Damn girl you need a pedicure...guys don't find those attractive, it's actually disgusting." I could see she was angry now as she charged at me, with a twirl of my blade I avoided her swipe. She slashed again I blocked it with my arm and slammed my fist that clutched the blade into her jaw. Kali slashed her claws on her one foot at me as I back flipped away avoiding her. Rushing at her she slashed while I slid under it and using my blade I slashed it across her abdomen. The burning singed her clothes and left a small cut across her abdomen. She braced her one hand on the wound as she went to recover; I stood in front of the ambulance protecting the wide open doors behind me.

            "You little bitch...I see why the Demon Wolf wants you." She coughed I gave her a small laugh while her inflamed eyes looked at me.

            "Yeah...he probably wants me because he is tired of you." I taunted she became enraged charging at me with fury burning through her. I managed to block the first three strikes but then she managed to get me once across my stomach. Wincing slightly I didn't get time to recover when Kali lunged at me again. We were now in front of the ambulance which Kali's one hand lashed across my throat and she slammed me into the metal railings of the ambulance. The sword in my hand fell to the floor as my hand gripped her hand that tightened with each movement. She held up her free hand like she was preparing to strike my throat but before she could swipe a loud gunshot rang out behind us. Her shoulder exploded with blood and she growled in pain releasing my neck. She clutched her arm when she stumbled backwards, there stood Isaac, Allison and her father who had the gun pointed at her. She roared before taking off back into the hospital, I grabbed my blade and braced my other hand on my bleeding abdomen.

FRAYED (A STILES STILINSKI FANFIC) 1 #Wattys2019Where stories live. Discover now