The Celestial Vow

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We took the stairs two at a time until he used what strength he had to burst through the door seeing Scott standing there with Deucalion in front of him.

            "Scott?!" Stiles gasped Scott turned showing his eyes were glossy, something happened and he looked defeated.

            "Jennifer took my mom..." he whimpered Stiles and I was stunned, whatever Stiles had to tell Scott didn't seem important anymore.

            "Scott...what are you doing?" I asked watching his gaze fall onto me, my blade was still in my hand and I was locking eyes with the blind Alpha behind him.

            "I don't know what else to do." Scott answered I knew exactly what Scott was going to do and Stiles also knew as he took a step forward.

            "No...Scott...listen there's got be something else, okay? We always have a plan B. Now that we have Ariel, we can figure this out." Stiles reminded I watched the hurt look in Scott's and Stiles's eyes though Scott wasn't budging.

            "Not this time Stiles." Scott answered I took a step towards him and now I was standing shoulder to shoulder with Stiles.

            "Scott..." I whispered when Scott lowered his gaze wiping the small tear that trickled down his cheek before looking back up at us.

            "I'm gonna find your dad...I promise." He answered backing away towards Deucalion keeping his gaze onto the both of us.

            "Scott...don't." Stiles begged when I took his arm with my hand stopping him from moving any closer to his best friend.

            "Ariel...keep him safe." Scott answered turning away from us and followed Deucalion off the roof leaving the two of us behind. After Scott left Stiles shrugged his arm from my grip and braced his hands behind his neck muttering to himself.

            "Stiles...we will get him back...we will get both of your father and his mother back from Jennifer. I promise you that." I replied where Stiles turned to look back at me, I could see the anger pressed on his gaze and he just moved to the ledge bracing his hands there.

            "You can't promise me that Ariel." He exclaimed with his anger in his voice, I knew that Stiles wasn't going to believe me but I knew I could convince him. Moving up to Stiles I saw his once soft brown eyes were hardened by his anger.            

"Just watch me..." I answered he turned to me as I took my blade slitting my palm with the metal until blood appeared. Stiles winced back a bit due to the sight of my blood; I closed my hand into a fist and removed the blade as I closed my eyes. "Per angelus Michael, caelestis voti quaeso. Et salvabo eos prohibere ab Darach ab Alpha Pack. Defectum huius fractionis vel per fidem in mortem results Lunae Agnus. Invoco te vult.(By the angel Michael, I invoke the Celestial Vow. I will save those taken by the Darach and will stop the Alpha Pack. Failure or breaking of this promise by the Lunar Eclipse results in my death. I invoke thee will.)The blood sizzled into the air as the wound healed leaving just a small scar on my palm and my pupils dilated then returned to normal.                 

"Ariel...what did you just do?" Stiles asked I holstered my blade back into the holster on my back and then locked my eyes onto him.             

"I invoked the Nephilim's sacred Celestial Vow. It's sort of an oath Nephilim's make to the Archangel Michael in order for him to grant them extra power. I bound this oath by the upcoming Lunar Eclipse and if I fail to do what I vowed there will be consequences." I exclaimed Stiles tilt his head in confusion on what I was explaining.                 

"What kind of consequences?" he asked I lowered my gaze for a moment then turned my focus back to him.           

"Breaking the Celestial Vow or failure to complete the promise they vowed results in the death of the Nephilim." I answered watching Stiles's gaze become dumbfounded, I knew this was going to add more stress to him but now that I invoked it there was no going back. I was going to keep this promise to Stiles vow or not.

~~Oh shit what did Ariel just do? Can she keep her promise to Stiles or will she be too late?~~

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~~Oh shit what did Ariel just do? Can she keep her promise to Stiles or will she be too late?~~

FRAYED (A STILES STILINSKI FANFIC) 1 #Wattys2019Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora