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Stiles' jeep skidded across the empty roads as a storm began to pound heavily against the hood. His grip tightened on the steering wheel as I kept my focus on the rapid movements of the windshield wipers and twirled with the base of my blade in my grips. A huge wind gust hit the side of Stiles' jeep causing the whole car to shake and forcing Stiles to tighten his grip more on the steering wheel. Jennifer's powers were getting stronger every minute the Lunar Eclipse began to draw closer and through my peripheral vision I saw Stiles' gaze turn to me.

"It must be hard living this life." Stiles began I gave him a small nod and looked over to him seeing his focus on the crazy road ahead of him.

"You get used to it." I answered flicking my blade to extend out revealing a soft light blue glow which told me that we were getting closer to the danger.

            "Why does your blade glow?" he asked I turned to look at him and then back to the blade base that was in my grip.

            "The Divine Blade is forged in Angel Blood and metal, the metal is melted and the blood is mixed into it then it's formed into a sword. It glows when evil supernatural or demons are near and it can only hurt those with evil within. The blade is hotter than the temperature of the sun so it can slice through them with ease. Only a Nephilim can wield it, humans and everyone else can't touch the blade without risks of hurting themselves. It's basically a real life light saber..." I explained placing the base back into my holster on my leg before looking back at Stiles who was in between looking at the windshield and me.

            "A light saber?" Stiles asked I turned my gaze to him while he gave me a look like he was surprised by my comment.

            "Yeah...a light saber. You know that laser plasma like sword that is powered by a kyber crystal that Jedi's use along with this thing known as the Force. You know from Star Wars?" I explained watching him look back at me completely stunned by my response.

            "You know about Star Wars?" He asked which I responded with a nod to his question which I saw him gasp with excitement. I cocked my eyebrow slightly at him as he turned back to me. "I didn't think Nephilim Warriors knew anything about Sci Fi."

            "We don't just hunt demons...we do have times to ourselves. My brother used to spend it with many girls in many different nights. I spent mine on my laptop with my headphones in watching movies. Star Wars was one of my favorites because basically I related to being the Jedi's and plus they ran so long it helped to drown out my brother." I explained laughing a small bit watching Stiles pressing a smile on his face.

            "You have a nice laugh by the should probably do it more." He answered I bit down on my lip when I felt his one hand move from the steering wheel and clink into mine. "When this is all and me are going to have a Star Wars movie marathon. What do you think?"

            "Are you asking me on a date Stilinski?" I asked coldly watching his jaw lock slightly before looking back at me with fear in his eyes. I watched his Adam's apple bobble as he swallowed sharply and he started to move his hand from mine but I stopped him by tightening my grip on him. "I thought you would never ask."

            "Great...I can't wait." He smiled returning his eyes to the road with a huge grin plastered onto his face. My eyes glanced back to the windshield when my vision saw an oncoming tree branch heading at us at full force.

            "Stiles! Look out!" I yelled which he saw the branch too and released my hand to brace the steering wheel and tried to swerve away from it. The branch hit the side of the jeep causing the vehicle to spin around out of his control. He tried to get his car to stop spinning but I could see the oncoming tree ahead of us with no hope of stopping. "Stiles!" the jeep crashed into the trunk sending the both of us forward, I slammed my head hard into the hood with the sounds of glass shattering being the last thing I heard before blacking out. After a little bit my eyes slowly opened with a throbbing aching pain pounding against my skull, lifting myself from the dashboard I braced the side of my head. My fingertips felt a warm sticky texture as I looked down my vision that was blurry began to clear and I saw a ruby color against my fingertips. Rising myself again I felt a sharp pain in my side looking down I saw a big piece of glass shard from Stiles' windshield was sticking me in my gut. My dark green shirt was staining with my blood, taking both of my hands I pressed them against the shard and began to pull it from my side. Once it was fully removed I dropped it to the floor and braced my hands against the open wound feeling my blood ooze across the creases of my fingers. Closing my eyes I felt the wound start to stitch itself up until it was completely healed and I gasped with relief. Looking down at my two hands I saw blood was coating them but other than being rattled I was okay. I turned to look at Stiles who wasn't moving next to me and my eyes went completely wide by what I saw. There was a long tree branch piercing through the windshield and it was impaling Stiles in his chest. My eyes scanned him for any other injuries which I spotted a gash on the side of the head but otherwise he was okay. My eyes checked the branch seeing that it was pierced into his stomach area. "Stiles...Stiles wake up." I begged shaking his arm but he was still unconscious making every nerve inside me was on alert. I mumbled a quick curse as I took the branch into my grip and with my enhanced strength I snapped it free from his chest. There was still a piece still lodged into his stomach, pinching my fingers on the remaining piece I pulled it free from his gut seeing Stiles grimace a small bit but he was still unconscious. Once the piece was out I braced both hands onto his wound feeling his blood drizzling down my hands. Applying pressure on it I could see Stiles finally waking up and wincing in pain. "Stiles...Stiles...are with me?"

            "What the hell happened?" he mumbled bracing his one hand onto the side of his head and saw some blood onto his fingers.

            "We crashed...try not to move too much." I ordered seeing his eyes lock onto mine and then he saw me holding my hands against his chest and then saw blood leaking across my fingers. Then a storm pounded into the vehicle as Stiles looked at the damage of his jeep then at the storm around us.

            "We have to get to the root cellar." He replied trying to move but winced in pain before slamming himself back down against his seat. The more he moved the more blood leaked from his wound that I was keeping compression on. " have to leave me here and go save the others."

            "No...I can't leave you here are bleeding too much. If I do then you could bleed out." I warned watching Stiles swallow sharply before locking eyes with me, my eyes felt like they were starting to tear up but I fought them down.

            "If you don't go...then the others are gonna die. If they die then you will die          , remember your vow." Stiles reminded I shook my head no to him not wanting to budge or move away from him.

            "And if I leave you...then you will die. I can't let that happen Stiles. I don't care if this stupid vow kills me I rather die than lose you in the process. Stiles...please...please don't make me lose you too." I begged feeling Stiles take his one hand and braced it onto my cheek as the tears were releasing from my eyes. I allowed them to fall as Stiles stroke his thumb across the tears and removed them from my face. Closing my eyes my memories returned for a brief moment; I could see my dead brother in my arms and my tears erupting down my face. I begged him to wake up and to come back to me but he was already gone. The pain made my chest ache as the anger hit me now; I lost my brother and now I was going to lose Stiles. My tears began to hit my hands which became strangely warm and my eyes started to sting inside the lids. Opening my eyes I could see Stiles looking at me strangely now. Before he could speak I looked down at my hands they began to glow yellow and before both of our eyes I saw the wound on Stiles' abdomen vanish completely. No more blood came rushing out; no injury anywhere to be found and I looked back up at Stiles who was baffled too. "What the hell was that?"

            "I don't know but Ariel...your eyes..." he began I lift both of my hands from his chest and saw the blood that was on my hand was gone too. I couldn't believe that has happened and I don't even know how it happened either.

            "What about them?" I asked looking at the reflection of the rear view mirror in front of me and I was completely baffled by what I saw. My green eyes was no longer green, they were glowing a light yellow mixed with white that resembled that of a Beta werewolf. I couldn't speak...I couldn't think...I couldn't process anything but the sound of thunder caught our attention again. "We have to get going before it's too late."

~~Oh shit that was intense, and Ariel healed Stiles somehow I hope that was a good thing

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~~Oh shit that was intense, and Ariel healed Stiles somehow I hope that was a good thing. Btw my girl accepted a date with Stiles and she knows her Star Wars which makes Stiles happy, are they like almost perfect for one another lol.~~

FRAYED (A STILES STILINSKI FANFIC) 1 #Wattys2019Where stories live. Discover now