You Make Me Feel Human

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Lydia was lying on my shoulder as we were sitting against the wall of the exam room staring at the ice tubs before us. Isaac was standing next to Deaton as they were also staring at the tub. The clock was ticking as the hours were rolling by and Allison, Scott and Stiles had yet emerged. I stood up from the ground moving to the tubs and saw the three under the water with their eyes closed. My stomach was in knots when I saw Stiles under the water, I heard heels click behind me and I saw it was Lydia moving next to me looking at Allison.

            "Do you think they are going to wake up soon?" Lydia asked me, her hand slinking into mine as I turned my gaze to her then back to the tubs.

            "They have too..." I answered Lydia looked at me as she noticed I wasn't just staring at the whole tub, I was staring at Stiles.

            "Are you going to tell him?" she wondered I turned back to look at her giving her a confused look on my face.

"Tell him what?" I questioned she gave me a small glare and a chuckle when she looked directly into my eyes.

"Really? Even with my IQ of 170 I'm not stupid when it comes to the observable. I can see that you have a thing for Stiles." She answered softly so Isaac and Deaton didn't hear what she said so I wouldn't have to answer their questions too.

"I don't know what I feel Lydia...this is all new to me." I exclaimed she touched my shoulder with her hand giving me a small squeeze. I could see she was trying to be a friend to confine into especially since I saved her life the other night. "For my entire life I was taught to block out my feelings because they would cause me to become blind sighted. But with him I feel this pit forming in my stomach every time he looks at me. When he touches me I feel this warm sensation and even though I barely know him I invoked a vow that could kill me. Then everything inside me drives me crazy when he is around."

"That is what you call love...we do crazy things for the people we love. Believe me when I say Stiles had a similar conversation with me a few nights ago. He said the exact same thing you just did and I am telling you what I told him. Just tell him." Lydia smiled I gave her a smile too when Scott, Stiles and Allison leapt from the water startling us all.

"It's in the woods...before the Hale house." Scott exclaimed the three friends were conversing when they locked eyes with us. We all had the look of relief and concern washed onto our faces. "What?"

"You guys had been under for sixteen hours." Isaac pointed out which the trio looked at one another stunned since it probably felt like only minutes to them.

"And we have four hours until the Eclipse begins." Deaton answered everyone knew it was time to set our plan in motion. After the group changed out of there wet clothes Stiles and I noticed Scott heading out to meet up with Deucalion.

"Scott...where are you going?" Stiles asked when I moved up next to him watching the young werewolf turned back to us.

"I have to go back...I made a promise to Deucalion that I would tell him what I found out so he can help me stop Jennifer. You guys need to find our parents." Scott answered without another word he took off leaving us standing there. About ten minutes later Ethan walked into the clinic begging for Lydia's help with his brother and ignoring our pleads not to go she decided to help him. Allison and Isaac left with her to make sure Ethan wasn't planning anything devious and Stiles and I were driving in his jeep to his house. We were driving in silence, I could still hear Lydia's words echoing into my mind about telling Stiles how I felt but before I could his phone went off breaking the silence.

"It's Scott..." he replied I listened to the muffle conversation between Scott and Stiles before he then hung up. He was pressing on the gas of his jeep and seemed like he was trying to get to his house faster.

"What's going on?" I asked Stiles turned his gaze to me then back to the road making sure nothing was stopping him.

"Scott says he needs something of my father's to find his scent; we are going to my house and then meeting him at the entrance of the Preserve." Stiles answered I nodded watching Stiles sped across streets of empty cars until he turned down the long side road. Eventually we made it to a house and he pulled up in front of it, I took it that this was his when he exited his jeep. I followed him up the driveway to the door and he let us both inside. He rushed up the stairs and I admired his house, soon I followed him and found him in a bedroom going through his father's laundry basket. "Answer me something."

"What's up?" I asked watching Stiles grab what looked like a dirty t-shirt into his hands and he moved up to me.

"Did you kiss me because you thought I was going to die?" he wondered I moved up to him as we were now standing only a few inches from each other. His brown eyes were melting into mine and I could feel that pit I mentioned return to me.

"You think I just kissed you because of that?" I answered watching Stiles's brow shift a small bit which he normally did when he was thinking.

"I never thought you were interested in me that way...considering how you were acting when we first met and after that." Stiles pointed out as I let out a small chuckle which confused him now.

"You know Lydia actually thinks we make a cute couple...we are both sarcastic and after all we make a pretty good team." I reminded which Stiles did give me a small nod in agreement to that.

"So what do you think?" he asked taking a step closer to me so now we were literally a few inches from one another.

"For the first time in my whole life I felt something...something I couldn't explain because I didn't really know what it was. I would get a feeling; it would happen every time I was around you even when you would look at me from across the room. My stomach turns to knots and I end up doing stupid things when I was trained to not do. For 16 years I was trained to be a Nephilim warrior, a warrior trained to be numb by all emotion and to focus on one thing hunting down evil supernatural and demons. But then I met you and everything I once learned was thrown out the window. You make me do crazy and unethical things that I never thought I would ever do. You make me feel human." I explained looking at Stiles who took my hand into his and we locked eyes again, his coffee colored eyes were absorbed in my emerald gaze. Then Stiles's hand braced my cheek and he was about to kiss me again when his phone went off interrupting the moment. He took it out seeing it was Scott calling and I let him take the call because it was important. I waited until Stiles hung up before asking him what he needed now.

"Scott says he needs us now...we got to go." Stiles answered moving passed me as I remained where I was. He stopped moved back to me and took my hand into his locking his eyes into mine. "We will finish this conversation after this is all over...I promise." I nod and we both take off out of the house, back into the jeep and head off to the Preserve where I could see in the window a storm heading over us. Jennifer was powering up and now it was time to end this.

~~OHHHHH SNAPPPP!!! It has happened my two babies have finally admitted the truth

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~~OHHHHH SNAPPPP!!! It has happened my two babies have finally admitted the truth. Ariel has finally told Stiles how she really feels. I am sooo proud.~~

FRAYED (A STILES STILINSKI FANFIC) 1 #Wattys2019Where stories live. Discover now