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I finally fixed my bike and I was exhausted after a long day of school then at the clinic trying to figure out what we were going to do next if the Darach or the Alpha Pack tries anything. I was thinking about taking a shower when my phone rang, a soft groan escaped from my lips and I pulled it out to see it was Stiles calling me.

            "Stiles? What's up?" I asked rubbing my eyes from the slight exhaustion then did a quick stretch to crack my sore muscles.

            "A lot actually but the Darach seems to have taken a history teacher. Scott wants us to get to the school to make sure that no one else gets taken. I'm leaving the hospital now." Stiles exclaimed which forced my eyes went wide at the thought of Stiles lying in a hospital bed somewhere.

            "Hospital? What are you doing there? Are you alright?" I asked grabbing my blade and holster from my bag placing it onto me then grabbed my helmet and headed out the door.

            "Awwwwww didn't know you cared...I'm fine, it's Cora. She sort of passed out with a head injury; she's not healing since her fight with Aiden." Stiles answered I sighed with relief as I started my bike that I fixed.

            "Okay I'll meet you at the school." I replied hanging up before he could say anything else to concern me stuffing into my back pocket then pulled my helmet over my head. I hopped onto my bike and took off towards the school before getting there within the ten minutes it would take from Deaton's place. Hoping off my bike I hooked my helmet to my handle bar, the parking lot was filled with cars. I forgot that there was a school event tonight meaning a lot of teachers and families here tonight, they were all sitting ducks for the Darach. I rushed into the school seeing that I entered a dark empty hallway when I sensed a strange presence in the air. My hand braced my handle of my weapon as I moved down the hallway slowly and scanned every empty room for the source of the strange presence. My phone vibrated once which means it was a text when I pulled it out to see it was from Stiles again. 'Lydia isn't at the concert...Darach is after Philosophers. Find her...please!' I sent back a message that I would and tucked it back into my pocket before continuing my pace. With another few steps I heard a muffled conversation coming from the nearby classroom. Swiftly I moved towards it peering over the corner when I saw a dark figure standing in front of a crying Lydia.

            "Hello Ariel...I've been expecting you." The voice was familiar as I moved into the room when I watched the figure turn to look at me. I was surprised...it was Miss. Blake, our English teacher. She was the Darach?

            "You weren't expecting me to survive your little suicidal drug, did you?" I replied still gripping the handle of my blade waiting for the right moment to pull it out.

            "No...I expected it. Just like I expected you to show up here right now." She smiled evilly moving her hand to grab something throwing it at me when I pulled my blade out extending it and I slashed it in half. My blade was glowing blue as I charged at her only to be stopped by a telekinetic force field unable to move. "I know you are in pain Ariel...I felt it the moment I saw you in my class. I know how it feels to lose people you love...what if I could fix it? What if I could bring your brother back? What if I could take away that pain from you and all I ask in return is for your help?"

            "Go to hell." I yelled breaking through the force field charging again only for Miss. Blake to telekinetically repel me backwards as I crashed into the wall hard and dropped to the floor slipping unconscious. My eyes snapped open when I heard Lydia's inhuman scream fill the room and I shook off the fuzziness when I looked up to see Miss. Blake in front of Lydia.

            "You have no idea what you are, do you? A wailing woman...a banshee right before my eyes." She replied surprised before I saw her take a piece of tape to press on Lydia's mouth preventing for her to scream while I moved my hand to my blade that was a few feet from me. Before Miss. Blake could try to strangle Lydia again I heard a gun cock turning to the entrance seeing it was Sheriff Stilinski aiming his gun onto the Darach. While the Sheriff distracted Miss. Blake Scott was next to me helping me to my feet, he was wolfed out and we charged towards Miss. Blake for a fight. She repels Scott and me backwards again pinning us both to the wall before throwing her blade at the Sheriff stabbing him in his shoulder disarming him.

            "Dad?" I heard Stiles yell from the door in which Miss. Blake pushes the desk in front of the door preventing Stiles from entering the room. Scott and I were struggling to break from the wall but we were stuck.

            "You two are starting to bother me." Miss. Blake hissed at us flicking her fingers at us as we both began choking then throwing up blood. I felt like I was drowning in the metallic flavor while my eyes saw Stiles struggling to get the door open. The pain and blood only stopped when Sheriff Stilinski points his gun with his left hand at Miss. Blake.

            "There was a girl...years ago found in the woods. Her face and body was slashed apart. It was you." Sheriff Stilinski explained while I spat the excess blood from my mouth to the floor.

            "Maybe I should've started with Philosophers first, with knowledge and strategy." Miss. Blake replied in which the Sheriff lowered his gun firing it at her leg and surprisingly it healed right before our eyes. "Healers..." She grabs the dagger and lifts the Sheriff off the ground while at the same time she twists his left wrist releasing the gun. She then forces him back then slamming him into a stack of chairs that was near us while Scott and I tried to break the field around us to no avail. "Warriors..." I watched her rip the Sheriff's badge from his uniform. "Guardians..." She crushes the badge in her hand then drops it to the floor by their feet as she moves close to his face. "Virgins..."She then leans in kissing him only to her real face to emerge; it was a disfigured and slightly slimy face with white eyes. Then with the windows shattering around us both Scott and I drop the floor, The Darach and the Sheriff were gone. Scott rushes to Lydia's aid untying her while I moved to the desk that was blocking the door and I pulled the desk freely from the door. Stiles rushes into the room, his eyes show that he was heartbroken while I rubbed my raw throat.

            "He's gone..." Stiles stutters as I found myself slinking my hand into his feeling his hand twitch in my grip but he just tightens his hand in mine. I knew that pain...I was in that pain once before...the same night my brother died.

~~Oh shit to quote Mason that was INTENSE

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~~Oh shit to quote Mason that was INTENSE. And wasn't it weird that Ariel was sort of concerned for Stiles? Something is happening there.~~

FRAYED (A STILES STILINSKI FANFIC) 1 #Wattys2019Where stories live. Discover now