Just a bad dream.

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3rd POV (testing this out for a bit, feedback would be lovely)

He awoke with a scream, and quickly cut himself off, catching sight of his sleeping mate. He sighed, letting himself drown in his scent, and swooped down to cradle Harry. He tried to shake his unsettling dream, only to remember every detail vividly.

He was sitting with Harry, it seemed to be early-spring, as they watched the sunset upon the Malfoy's vacation home. He looked down at Harry's wonder filled face, and grinned, pulling him closer. It was so real, with only one hint that it was, in fact, a dream, was on his finger.  A golden ring, and a matching one on his mate. His grin grew, his dream world showing him what his life will hold... but then, he really hoped that this was not the future,

Harry was torn from his grasp, and he snapped his head, white and red dancing over his vision. Staring wickedly into his face was Diggorys, a wicked grin spreading across his pale face. He called Harry's name, and to Draco's horror, he began fighting to get out of his grasp, to go to Cedrics. He gave a cry as he couldn't hold on anymore and he had to let go. Cedric pulled Harry onto the back of his broom, and took off, Draco following close behind.

Draco recalled his dream self screaming at him, begging he stop. And he did. Right then and there, he did stop... he dropped harry, the distance of the ground and them made sure, Harry would not survive the fall. Draco tried to catch him, but found himself stuck in the sky, and he sobbed as Harry fell further and further, barely hearing Cedrics evil chuckle over his own screams.

Draco cringed at the memory of his dream, refusing to allow himself to cry, as his mate was safe in his arms. Harry shifted and let out a grunt, and mumbling something that was supposed to be "Not going to go to charms Ron, Flitwick and go on ahead and eat my-" Draco growled and directed all his attention to Harry.

"Flitwick will be doing nothing of the sorts." He growled into Harry's ear." To this, Harry jumped, and slammed his fist into Draco's chest, before recoiling and gasping. He flipped himself around and cursed, "Draco! Oh! I'm sorry!" Draco suddenly lost all thought mood. His eyes turned dark with jealousy.

"Expecting someone else?" He knew he was being over dramatic and, maybe stupid, but he had just gone through loosing Harry, and the littlest thing could, and did, set him off.

"Dray... don't be an idiot, of course not I just-" Draco cut him off, crushing his lips with Harry's. Harry yelped again in shock, but melted into the kiss. He was to far gone, that he didn't notice Draco was crying until he pulled away. He was once again colored in shock and when he was about to ask Draco what happened, if he did something wrong, he was cut off by Draco's watery voice.

"Harry.." his name pulling a heart wrenching sob from him as it passed his lips. "Harry, don't leave me, please, I'll give you the most amazing life... I'll-I'll give you my soul, please please, don't go!" he screamed.

Harry was frozen with a new wave of shock, how could Draco think for even a second he would want to leave his amazing fiance? 

"Hey, love, calm down, I love you, I won't be going anywhere, I love you." He murmured into Dracos ear. "Now, for the love of all that's holy, let me sleep you adorably over sensitive dork."

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