Texas to Los Angeles

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Willow Rae had just arrived to UCLA where she had transferred school from a small school in Texas. Texas was lovely where she grew up in a small town that seemed lost from the rest of the world. Will's family had been astonished that the young girl had decided to go off into the big city life. By family she meant her father. Will was raised only by her father after her mother had run off to bigger things. Will adored her father whether it be twelve in the morning where he would have to beg the young girl to go get ice cream with her. At times like these, Will felt more like the adult than her parental figure. So leaving him in the small town that knew everything about Willow Rae and her father was unexpected to all. Her father knew that there was bigger things out there for his blue-eyed baby and promised her that it was just a new beginning. 

She had decided that life was too short to be wishing you were somewhere else. Plus, UCLA had a great program and could push her forward into her career. Will had dreams for herself and knew that she could reach these dreams. Her small town life had taught her that it was not worth sitting around just wishing rather you should just do it. She had seen so many kids try to get away but just to end up on the bench of a Friday night football game. Will did not want to be one of these fools and decided to take the biggest chance and move really far away. There was just one problem with the school, she knew absolutely no one. 

Her southern accent made her stand out like a sore thumb. Someone should of put a pair of cowboy boots on her feet and a huge gallon hat on top of her head. Willow had made small amount of friends in her small dorm room that she had tried to make it her home. She had filled the room with fairy lights creating a small cave that seemed to glow. It was covered with pictures of herself, friends and family. Then there was a wall filled with her inspiration. Will was a journalism major with a passion to make it in the fashion world. She could remember her first time flipping open the huge Vogue magazines that somehow she convinced her father to get her. It held a world of creativity that made Will's eyes light up. It had become a safe haven for Will in the madness of her new life. 

Her roommate was a little eccentric and seemed to always be out with her friends that she had made. So it came at a great surprise that her roommate, Lily, wanted to take her out on a Friday night. The two girls had gotten along but they had not become the best friends that were normal among the usual college story. 

So this is the night that Will was pushed into the reality of college. A place filled with students renaming themselves from the lives that they lived before. She would not hide that she was little excited about it all. The two girls had spent the night helping each other getting ready. Will was wearing a pair of mom jeans and a cropped white top with a red bralette underneath of it. Her feet were just in a pair of white vans that had smudges of dirt on them. She had left her wavy hair done and gave her face a natural face of makeup except for the red lipstick that was on her lips. 

The two girls had spent the night jumping around getting ready, singing songs at the top of their lungs enjoying the fun of it all. They both had red solo cups filled with cheap vodka and juice. It was the cliche college experience that every girl hopes for. Will was enjoying it all and when they left the small dorm room that had become her cave, she was not expecting what would happen that night. 

KILLER QUEEN// DAVID DOBRIKWhere stories live. Discover now