David Suarez

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It seemed like an eternity since I was having dinner with Nate. Was it the same day. I wasn't sure. We had been driving since long, and by we I mean the man driving and me.

He had had two calls in the last hour, I noted. Both had been somewhat illuminating. His caller was a Mr. Suarez, who in turn shared the same name who was after Tara Collins. Could this be 'David Suarez' for whom I had come all the way to Denver for?

We soon came to a stop. This stop didn't feel like the previous stops at the gas station that we had been taking. No. From my position, I could see a lit up driveway. Next I know, the car door was being opened and my ass was being hauled out.

"Can you walk?" Of course I can't walk. I was just shot at. But I wasn't saying that to him. At that moment I was mesmerised by the deep, rich voice that was speaking to me.

Evil goon or no, this man had a sexy voice. Hearing his voice, I wanted to see the man behind the voice, but despite many efforts I couldn't really make out his face. It was dark.

But I sure could see a tan stomach with god knows how many abs, a shirtless man with a zipped down hoodie. Oh so the tshirt was his?

I was mesmerised by his naked front so much that I forgot about the question that he had asked me. He might have thought I was disorientated or something because next thing I know, he was picking me up and throwing me over his shoulders.


I was just shot at my stomach. But because I was at his mercy, it felt sensible not to kick him and anger my kidnapper.


Hi to everyone reading this. This is my first time leaving a message on my Chapter. I have been writing this book for quite some time. I have not been that regular and I do apologise for that. I plan on regularly uploading the chapters. Please let me know how you are finding my story and please vote in case you like it.

Love Sophiemaden

The ChaseNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ