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I really couldn't believe my luck. She was sitting there on a barstool at Beersync. After looking for her since morning, here he finds her in a pub, he decided to visit. Now would be the best time to go up to her.

He would not let her slip through his fingers anymore.

As he asked for a beer and surprised Tara, he noticed how beautiful she was looking. He had hardly seen her using makeup before tonight. Well now she did look 21.

"Oh hello Nate. I hope you aren't following me now. Are you?"

He smirked and asked instead, " Why did you not tell me you were leaving today?"

"I did! In the note!"

"Oh I forgot! The note. Are you serious? The note seemed to be written by you as if you were at a gunpoint. After all I did for you, you leave me with a note."

He could see the blush rising up her neck. Although he had dealt with many women in the past, no one had intrigued her as much as Tara Fucking Collins. She was the first ever woman to have got out of his noose. Even though he affected her alright but she wasn't easily fooled somehow like other girls. Behind that innocent, trusting face was someone much different.

"I didn't want to bother you any more after all that you did for me. Thank you."

In Nate's profession, all his steps had to be calculated and following protocol was most important. But when he was with Tara, he always wanted to think from his heart. He didn't want to apply methods and treat her like an experiment.

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