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"Like what you see?" said he looking directly into my eyes. His voice was like silk, it gave me chills. However me being the dork I was said, "Uhh, what?"

"Princess you keep that tiny mouth of yours opened any more with that adorable look in your eyes, one would assume you want to be kissed."

Oh my!!!! That gorgeous man just talked to me. I think I just had a tiny heart attack.

"Sorry I was just thinking something." He gave me a mysterious smile and turned to his laptop. Throughout the flight we exchanged nothing more. Eventhough I tried not to gawk at him, but I failed miserably.

Finally the time came for us to deboard and it hit me that this is where the adventure begins. I took my bag and my suitcase and taking a last look at him, I went towards the exit.

Denver International Airport was quite a big airport but I was soon able to figure out the exit and I proceeded. I hailed a cab and gave him the address to my hotel. Soon my cabbie woke me up from my stupor and told me that we were there.

My hotel was actually a series of cabin houses that was owned by a lady named Alexandra whom I had contacted few weeks ago. I went inside the first cabin that seemed to be the owner's house as it had a worn out board saying 'WELCOME'

"Hello?? Is someone there?" Two minutes later a beautiful middle-aged woman appeared through a hallway from the backside of the house.

"Good morning. How can I help you?" said she in a southern accent.

"Hi. I am Tara. I made a booking two weeks ago, for cabin 16. Could I get the keys?"

The woman bit her lips and had an expression of utter discomfort. "We tried to call you this morning but we couldn't reach your number... Cabin no. 16 is actully no longer available. I am really sorry but you would not be able to use it."

"Sorry? But I made arrangements way before time. How could such a misunderstanding take place?" I tried to keep my voice in control but I was a bit frustrated.

"You misunderstand me dear. Last night a tree fell on the roof of the cabin and has damaged the property quite a bit. It is no longer possible to let you stay there."

My heart sank. Couple of hours into the vacation I was already having problems. Before I could have further negative thoughts I stopped myself and asked the lady, "Well then aren't you supposed to give me a replacement cabin or something?"

At the moment we are completely full except cabin no. 23. But it is usually saved for a very old client of ours.

Now I was barely able to control my anger at how bad and helpless situation I was in. I was in Colorado where I knew no one and I had nowhere else to go. No hotel would check me in at moment's notice. In short I WAS DOOMED.

Seeing my expression the landlady said, "Maybe you can spend the night in cabin no.23. But you will have to book a hotel by tomorrow. I am not supposed to give the cabin to anyone but the client I told you about. I guess one night won't hurt seeing that you are in such trouble."

Relief washed over me but I was still frustrated by my situation. "Alright." said I and took the keys from her.

Cabin no.23 was at the very end and I had to walk alot. After a couple of minutes of walking I reached the cabin and unlocked it.

The cabin was very beautiful from inside. It was painted a bright white and a minty green. All the furniture were white in colour and had a vintage feel to them. I settled on the sofa and tried to relax my self. I then took out some change of clothes, my toothbrush and my cleanser and headed upstairs to the bathroom.

The bathroom also had a bath in it. I was so tired that I decided to take a bath. I went downstairs and brought my bath utilities and hopped in the hot tub. After spending hours , I reluctantly left the bathroom and dressed in some comfortable shorts and a black camisole.

I then called the local pizza place and ordered a pepperoni pizza with extra cheese and coke. After having a delicious dinner I went to the bedroom. The bed looked so comfortable that I was ready to get in already. I quickly brushed my teeth and got in the bed.

In no time I was in my dreamland, dreaming of the beach where my dad used to take me as a kid. My dad was holding my hand but it felt cold and now that I thought of it my body was also aching. I suddenly woke with a start.

I could feel my body twisted in an odd angle and my hands were tied. I had tape around my mouth. I could feel someone putting handcuffs on my right hand and cuffing me to bed. I was terrified. Whoever was handcuffing me was done doing so and then he asked me angrily , " Who the fuck are you??"
The voice sounded strangely similar. A voice I had heard not long ago....


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