Shit. I forgot I still had on my pajamas - fuzzy black pants and a black t-shirt from Hot Topic. Patton had gotten me up early that morning and I hadn't bothered changing out of them. I had just put on some make-up - because I don't need to be any uglier - and called it good. Suddenly, a wave of anxiety washed over me and I felt very self-conscious. Roman hadn't seemed to notice this, though.

"Hmm," he said, looking me up and down, "Hot topic. Kinda fitting for you, isn't it?"  Breathing? Who's she? Never heard of her.

"S-Sh-Shut up, princey." I growled back at him best I could. I tried to glare at him, but as soon as I looked into his eyes, I felt like my heart was going to explode out of my chest.

He leaned down so that he was now only inches from my face, "Make me." he challenged, a playful gleam in his eye. I swear, I would've punched him. If he weren't such a damn thief and stolen my heart (and been nice, and lovable, and hot . . .), I would've punched him.

Instead, I looked him right in the eye and smirked, "Alright." then I grabbed the collar of his Christmas sweater with one hand and yanked, pushing his lips on mine. He smiled into it, kissing me back instantly. We stayed like that for a long moment, and then we broke apart and I pushed him back away.

Roman had a wide grin on his face that made me smile a little, too, and such a loving look in his eye that I felt almost a little spoiled, it being directed at me. "What did I do to deserve you?" he asked me.

"What didn't you do?" I replied, smiling up at him, "Now are you gonna help out with the cookies or not?"

"Of course!" he sang, and I moved aside so he could step into the house. I closed the door and we walked to the kitchen together. When we got there, Patton had already gotten out the icing for the cookies, which were cooling on the counter.

"Hey, kiddo!" Patton greeted Roman with a big smile. "Come here, help me decorate these. There's a lot." As Roman went over to help Patton, I casually sauntering over to the cookie trays. Glancing over at my brother once, I grabbed one of the biggest decorated cookies and instantly sprinted away.

I was already out of the kitchen by the time they had realized what I had done. "VIRGIL!!" I heard Roman and Patton yell out together. I cackled evilly. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Roman run out of the kitchen to pursue me. I turned my head and stuck out my tongue at him, then bounded into the living room, leaping over the couch to evade capture.

Roman was right at my heels, though, and - because he has longer legs than I do - caught up quickly. He sprinted around the couch and reached out to grab me or the stolen cookie, but I ducked away, giggling. I went to run past him into the hallway, but he tackled me before I got the chance.

"Gotcha!" Roman proclaimed triumphantly, pinning me to the floor. I squirmed, trying to get out from under his grip, but it was no use. I had been caught. So, I defaulted to plan B.

I locked eyes with Roman, then gave him the saddest, most defeated, most pleading look I could make. He froze, noticeably hesitating. I had to use all my strength to suppress a smile. He fell for this every time. He can't resist me.

I clutched the cookie to my chest as if for dear life, not breaking eye contact with my captor. "Can't I have it? Please?" I pleaded, making my voice purposefully small and vulnerable.

Roman paused, hesitating, then he closed his eyes and shook his head. "I know what you're doing." he said, "It's not going to work." I almost laughed at that. I could tell he was already struggling not to give in to me.

"Roman," I filled my voice with hurt. He opened his eyes a little and peered down at me. My eyes were watery, as if I was going to cry. "Please?" I hugged the cookie closer to my chest.

Roman hesitated a long time, just looking down at me. Finally, he let out a long, exasperated sigh and let me go. Instantly, I perked up, sitting up with a bright, triumphant smile on my face as I started to nibble on the cookie.

"I hate you." Roman huffed, crossing his arms and giving me a look.

I giggled evilly, "No you don't."

Roman sighed, "No I don't." he wrinkled his nose at me, "Why do you have to do that though?"

"Do what?" I asked innocently.

He gave me an unconvinced look, but dropped the subject.


I hate it when he does that! But I couldn't resist him if I tried . . . Although, I could get him back. He's not the only one who can play these games. I got an idea.

I scooted closer to him, a playful smile on my face. I leaned forward so that I was close to his face. He narrowed his eyes at me suspiciously, "What are you doing, pretty boy?" I grinned, then kissed him on the cheek. He froze, blushing, then gave me a questioning look.

I smiled widely, moving so that I was even closer to him. This didn't help the color of his cheeks. "You had frosting on your cheek." I explained with a small smirk.

Virgil raised his eyebrows, "Is that so?" I nodded. He smirked, "Well, if there's frosting on my cheek, there must be some on my lips, too."

I chuckled, "Yeah, let me help you with that." then I closed the gap between us. His lips were soft and sweet, like frosting. He pulled me closer, and I leaned into the kiss.


Roman laughed. "Yeah, let me help you with that." and then his lips were pressed against mine. I dropped the cookie I was holding into my lap, wrapping my arms around him and pulling him closer. I'd choose Roman over a cookie any day.

A sudden laugh caused us to break apart and look up. Patton was standing over the couch, looking down at us with a big smile. "I leave you guys alone for two seconds . . ."


A/N: Hey! So I tried to make this chapter as full of fluff as I could. I want to do a logicality holiday special next! So look forward to that. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!

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