Instagram, Max Steel and The Giver

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I just got an Instagram (sorry, I'm not allowed to post it) and I have no clue how to work this thing

Like do I just post selfies and pictures of my Starbucks (I don't even go to Starbucks crap)

What am I supposed to do


Okay now that I'm done with that, on to the actual topic

They are making a Max Steel movie :O

It's on IMDb and YouTube

And it looks pretty darn awesome. Except the guy playing Max looks like Spider-Man and it's throwing me off a lot :P

Also it looks like they totally screwed up his suit, it looks all weird

But whatever

At least we're getting a movie, yayyyyy :D I mean, first Slugterra in theaters, and now this ^-^ Although I didn't get to see Return of the Elementals in theater :(


Then there's The Giver. I'm going to see it in a few hours. The book was a little messed up, with some creepy ideas behind it, but I still want to see the movie.

I hope it doesn't end like the book did, I really hope

See, the book ended with a cliffhanger, and there was no sequel.

So yeah, we'll see how it all works out

A few hours later

Well, Taylor Swift did a crap job

But I would've said that anyway

I hate her


Otherwise, the movie wasn't too bad. I mean, The Giver the book was a little screwed up all with the Releasing and such, so was the movie. But it was fairly enjoyable.

It ended like the book did -_- more or less

There's not really much else to say about that movie.

It didn't fail

But wasn't fabulous.

Just kinda meh. But I think if I could, I'd see it again.

Cyan out!

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