SoundCloud Haters

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SoundCloud is this app where you can share audios for free. I have one so I can easily listen to RWBY, they have the Gravity Falls OST on there, and I listen to a fanmade Vale RWBY podcast.

I got bored and searched Slugterra, and found nothing until I got down to the bottom of the list. There was a commentary on The New Kid Part 1. So of course I watched it xD

It was two girls and they were kinda hate-watching, but I think that made their comments even funnier. They didn't get some of the jokes and sarcasm, but it was still funny and I'm wondering if this is really what Slugterra looks like to someone who doesn't really watch/understand the show :D

Anyways, I put down some of their comments throughout the video:

"Don't trust him he's gonna betray ya"
"Follow Anakin Skywalker into the hole"
"What? Are you anorexic?"
"We're gonna assume he's hetero"
"He's given you like 20 red flags"
"Who are you, Wolverine? No, you're not."
"I'm betting the guy's a traitor"
"I don't think they know there's an 'up'"
"I'm sad that I got tricked by a Disney plot" (this was before Frozen)

Anyways they use some not so great language and their conversations get waaay off topic a few times but I thought it was funny, so if you want to listen to it, just search Slugterra on SoundCloud and it'll be one of the last results

Cyan out!

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