Slug It Out! Ghouls

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First off, that should says Ghouls, not Ghoul's

Anyways, Slug It Out! just added GHOULS to the arsenal! I'm unhappy about this only because I think writing so much as Alana has gotten to me. Anyways, in this next chapter, we go down to the Deep Caverns and fight some Dark Bane! It's pretty fun so far, ghouls aside. The Dark Bane are pretty easy to fight as far as I've seen, but still enough of a challenge the make you have to work a bit.

Anyways, I'm working EXTREMELY hard on the next update of the New Shane, but I still can't give a specific release date. Just please understand at this point it's very difficult for me to write and I'm working as hard as I can.

Cyan out to go play more Slug It Out! and fume about these darn ghouls

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