Greetings From the Caribbean

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Hey guys! Just finished up another crazy day in Puerto Rico. Today we drove to the Caribbean side of the island and took a boat out to go snorkeling.

It was absolutely AMAZING. I took some selfies with my phone in a waterproof bag (seen above) next to the boat, but the actual snorkeling was about 200 feet out from the boat so I took a floatable waterproof camera to take pictures of the fish.

PR is amazing! My opinion of what is comfortably warm/cool has already changed- we're all shivering in air conditioning now-  but it's pretty nice here. It's super pretty too- just LOOK at this stuff:

 It's super pretty too- just LOOK at this stuff:

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I'm absolutely exhausted, but my outlook is that I can sleep when I'm back in Ohio

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I'm absolutely exhausted, but my outlook is that I can sleep when I'm back in Ohio.

Sooo, since it's been a while since I've done the whole end-the-chapter-with-a-question-thing...

What has been your guys' favorite vacation?

Cyan out!

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