Tag Game

40 2 36

I got tagged by Leia-Is-Dead ! I stink at picking just one favorite but I'll try my best.

1. Favorite Song
You're Gonna Go Far, Kid by the Offspring. Top tier song, nothing better than that. Close seconds are End Of Me by Ashes Remain, Shatter Me by Lindsey Stirling, and This Life Is Mine by Jeff & Casey Lee Williams

2. Favorite Sport
To do, swimming. To watch, football. Not the kick-into-the-net football, the tackle-people-touchdown American football

3. Favorite Band
This is a tough one- I don't really follow any bands? So artist-wise, Lindsey Stirling or Jeff & Casey Lee Williams.

4. Favorite Show
Closely followed by Red vs Blue, RWBY, Gravity Falls, Miraculous, FMA:Brotherhood, Storm Hawks, Over the Garden Wall, the list is endless. Send help.

5. Favorite Movie.
Spider-Man: Homecoming was the first to come to mind, followed by Epic (tiny people living in the forest + BEAUTIFUL animation? sign me the heck up) and Earth to Echo (modern E.T. with killer soundtrack, 10/10)

6. Favorite Color
*looks at username*
I think it's obvious

7. Favorite Food
Pizza panini from The Land at Disney World's EPCOT. Culinary masterpiece.

8. Favorite Drink
Butterbeer from Universal Studios. As far as actually accessible on a normal basis, apple juice

9. Favorite Video Game
Minecraft's a classic, and while I don't have a Playstation anymore (sibling took it to college), I LOVED playing Kingdom Hearts and Black Ops III

10. Tag 15 People
- if you guys don't wanna do this than just ignore ;) -
1. willjaymusic
2. JohnnyBoiValdezi
3. slugtiffy
4. AemeliaBea
5. KawaiiKitty2468
6. PistachioEagle
7. YearlyAquariAce

okay I know it says 15 but it's super late and my brain hurts SO if you are reading this and don't see your name up there, consider yourself tagged

Cyan out✌️

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