Chapter 47 - Remember Me?

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For something so slow, it can move very fast when it needs to. Jaune grits his teeth with anger and he runs towards the Leshen, shield held high and he uses it to protect himself from the swarm of Crows that have been unleashed upon him. Their crystal beaks scrape across the metal shield of Jaune's sparks bursting from the impacts of their small feathered bodies. Jaune pushes against them, straining as he pushes on against the swarm, their feathers floating around him as he continues to push on. He yells as they push him across the floor. The Lord of the Wood stands tall with its finger extended forward at the boy.

Coco opens fire again, her teeth gritted at the beast, however the Lord of the Wood forms another shield of roots and leaves that protects its body from the firepower of her Chaingun. Coco groans out of disgust and she runs with Yatsuhashi at the monster, she strikes it with her handbag but the Leshen catches her wrist and holds her high in the air. Yatsuhashi yells as he jumps at the Leshen to cut its wooden arm from its elbow to free her. The blade slices across its arm and it releases her with a snarl with anger in its voice.

Oobleck lunges forward with Port for another attack; they all begin to attack it at the same time, slashing over and over again at its wooden body. Until it snarls with anger, the arms stretch out with long vines and roots growing out from the heart of shadows and it spins round, knocking them all onto the ground. They cannot attack it with their own methods.

It may be slow, but it is smart.

And very powerful.

It can take a hit better than they can, so no matter what they all try to do. Whether they attempt to take it in turns or in once overwhelming attack, it will be able to counter them. The Leshen's arms return back to their normal length, much like how the Nuckelavee could stretch its arms, however the Lord of the Wood only did so with its arms for a moment.

Ren groans with pain, hand against his head and he looks at Nora who is still frozen from fear of that thing.

Raven swings her sword at the Leshen but it grabs her by the neck and forces her down into the ground with force. It has learned their tactics, how they all fight in one moment.

There is only one way that they can destroy its body.

Have someone that it is not here right now challenge it.

It takes a couple steps back. It is powerful, but also outnumbered by the amount of Warriors who stand before him. Yang, Weiss and Blake get back up with their weapons at the ready, staring at the being. The Lord of the Wood growls, the leaves begin to rattle across the moss covered bark body, and it clenches its hands into fists. It howls unbelievably loudly to the sky, roots growing from different places of its body, and it slams its hands down into the soil. The roots pass into the ground, the soil rumbles and quakes, chunks of dirt being overturned as something very big begins to rise out. Huge roots burst from the soil and they look at the Warriors, attacking down at them with hate and force, the sharp tips of the roots pushing down at the ground where they are. Some of them feel the roots crawling from under the soil and cocooning around their bodies, their legs first so them they cannot move. Velvet feels the roots picking her up and holding her up in the air with her limbs held out in display, the same happens to the rest of them. They all begin to feel restrained by the Lord of the Wood's abilities.

The Leshen glares at them, some of them however managed to escape the grasp of the roots. Coco tries to break free with anger, the rest of Team R.W.B.Y are stuck as well, trying to break free with little success. "Nora!" Yang screams, seeing he is the only one that the Lord of the Wood did not try and restrain. It slowly walks towards her, the burning hot eyes staring into those Cyan ones. Ren stands beside her and he glares at the monster that slowly approaches them.

The Knights of Grimm - Act 2 - CapturedTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang