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Camille's POV

"Thanks for taking me fishing!" I said to Nash, who I was walking back with from the dock.

"No problem! Did you have fun?" He asked.

"Yeah!" I replied.

We put the fishing rods on the ledge of the rental place, and then headed back to the house.

Nash opened the door for me and I walked in. Nobody was to be seen, which was odd. Usually somebody is always in the kitchen or the living room.

"Where is everyone?" I asked.

"SURPRISE!!!!!!!" Everyone shouted, jumping out from all sorts of places.

"Oh my god!" I screamed, and looked around at everyone who was here. Nash, Hayes, Skylynn, Elizabeth, Haley, my parents- WAIT MY PARENTS???

"Mom!! Dad!!" I screamed running into their arms.

"Hey Camille! We missed you!" My dad said.

"I missed you guys too!"

I parted from our hug. "Who planned all this?" I asked, still shocked.

Everyone turned to Hayes and Hayes chuckled.

"Hayes?!" I exclaimed.

"Yep!" He smiled.

I ran into his arms and gave him a huge hug. "Thank you, Hayes!"

"Anything for you" He said kissing my forehead.

The party went on and after about an hour, it was time for cake. I was sitting at the table on Hayes's lap, with Skylynn next to me. Elizabeth lit the candles and brought the cake over. Haley turned the lights off and everyone started singing. But then I heard someone else's voice. And a guitar. It sounded so familiar...

"Happy birthday to Camille... Happy birthday to youuu" He sang, and appeared next to the basement door.

My hands cupped over my mouth when I realized who it was.

"Is this real life? Did Austin Mahone really just sing to me?" I started to cry as I got off of Hayes's lap. "Is this a dream?" I asked walking up to Austin. He stretched his arms out to hug me and I hugged back. "Oh my god" I cried.

"Happy birthday!" He said to me.

"Thank you so much. I love you so much!" I said, still crying.

"Awe thank you, I love you too" He said, which made me cry even more.

All of a sudden I heard a ringtone, like the classic iPhone ringtone. Only I didnt know where it was coming from.

"Sounds like it's coming from the cake!" Skylynn screamed.

I sliced the cake open through the middle to find a green iPhone 5c in a plastic bag.

My mouth dropped open as I opened the plastic bag. I clicked the home button and my lockscreen read 'Happy 14th birthday, Camille. Love, Mom, Dad, Haley and Brett'

"Thank you guys so much!!" I said thanking my family.

Austin sang a few more songs for me, and I was still shocked.

"Austin we have to get going" His manager Mike said, after we took a lot of pictures.

"Alright" Austin said getting his guitar. "Happy birthday Camille!" He said.

I ran up to him and gave him a hug before he left. "Thank you so much for coming!" I said.

"No problem. Hope you had a great day!"

"I did!" I replied.

We said goodbye and he left.

"Alright, who got Austin here?" I asked.

Everyone turned to Hayes.

"Hayes?!" I screamed again

He nodded and I ran up to him. "I seriously cannot thank you enough."

We both stared into each others eyes, and soon enough we were both leaning in, and our lips connected.

"Camille, I know this is a crazy time to ask, but will you be my girlfriend?" Hayes asked.

I smiled and nodded. "Of course"

"PRESENT TIME!!!" Nash exclaimed running through me and Hayes.

"There's more??" I asked.

"Hell yeah!" Haley screamed.

I followed Nash into the living room and sat on Hayes's lap again. Haley handed me a small box wrapped in blue metalic wrapping paper. I wripped the paper off and opened the box. I gasped.

"You did not!" I said, holding up my new pandora bracelet.

She nodded and explained each of the charms. "A 'C' for Camille, a bow because you love bows, and an anchor to remind you of the times we've had here."

I got up and gave her a huge hug. "Your the best sister a girl could ask for. Thank you so much"

Nash gave me a huge box that looked like you could fit an oven in it. It was wrapped in cheetah print paper and had a big bow on the top. I took off the wrapping paper and opened the box. Inside was another box. Then another. Then another, and another and another. Then I got to another box, but it was a poloroid camera box. I opened it and inside was a blue Poloroid.

"Thank you so much Nash!" I said giving him a hug.

"Now for my present!" Hayes said. He handed me and envelope, and a medium sized bow wrapped in green and pink paper. I opened the box first. Inside was a black and pink mit.

"Thank you Hayes!" I said trying it on. It fit perfectly.

Then I opened the envelope and inside was 4 small pieces of paper.

"No! Oh my god you didn't!" I screamed.

"What is it?" My mom asked, taking a picture of me.

"Austin Mahone tickets!!!!!" I screamed.

"Thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you THANK YOU!!!" I said giving Hayes a huge hug.

"Anything for you" He said kissing my cheek.

"When did this happen??" Nash said, his eyes moving from me to Hayes.

"Twenty minutes ago" Hayes said.

Everyone 'awe'-ed and I finished opening some smaller presents.

"Thank you guys for making this the best birthday I've ever had!" I said.

"Group hug!!" Nash exclaimed, and everyone came together.

Best birthday ever.


Yay I updated and guess what? I liked the idea I had for a sequel to this so much, that I already started to write it! I have the first chapter done :)

I know this sounds crazy, but I'm almost done with this story! There's only a few more chapter! I'm sure you guys are wondering, "How is it ending in a few chapters, and they just started dating? What about the part where Hayes cheats on her, and then they get back together?" Well, my story is going to be different. Lets just say, the ending is different.

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