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Madison's POV

I realized what he said. I realized that person he was talking about was me. He thinks I don't like him. He thinks I hate him. And he likes me?!

"Camille!" Hayes had snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Oh.. Sorry. I'm really tired" I said making up an excuse.

This all made sense, but didn't at the same time. What makes sense is what he said- "I like someone who doesn't like me back." But what doesn't make sense is that he dated Sadie, ignore me for 2 weeks, and acted like a complete jerk to me. Boys are so confusing.

"Let's bring your bags in, you can sleep in my room" he said.

"There's only one bed Hayes" I laughed.

"I'll sleep on the floor" he said

"Hayes, I'm not letting you sleep on the floor. I will" I said

"No. No one will" he said.


"Oh.. Um.. Well we could sleep together? You know, just friends" he said.

"Sure I guess" I said

He nodded and we got my bags. We brought them in his room, and he made room in his dresser and closet for my stuff.

After we put most of my stuff away, it was 6:52.

"Dinner should be ready soon" Hayes said.

I nodded.

"Camille?" Hayes asked.

"Yeah?" I replied looking into his eyes.

"Can I tell you something. Or ask for your advice?"

"Of course!" I said.

"Well, there's this girl I like. And I don't think she likes me back. In fact, I think she hates my guts. But we've been friends and stuff, and I don't want to lose her. What do I do?"

"Well, start by telling her how you feel about her. If you really like her, tell her. Girls like when guys express their feelings towards them" I explained.

He nodded and smiled. "Thanks. I'll tell her soon"

Hayes's POV

I really like Camille. I know, it sounds crazy- how I was ignoring her, and being a total jerk, and dating Sadie. But they all have reasons.

I ignored her so she would give me attention, and be concerned about our friendship. I was a total jerk because.. well I don't know about that one. But I dated Sadie to make Camille jealous, and so I could end up with Camille in the end. I'm trying to imply that I like Camille, but she seems oblivious (s/o to Lil, you know what I'm talking about).

I was so happy when I found out she would be staying with us for 2 months, because that gives me time to be with her, and to ask her out.

But I honestly really truly think she doesn't like me back. And I think she hates my guts.


Double update aye



^^Happy lil?

Best Friends {Hayes Grier}जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें