Three French Hens

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In which it is 2009 and Dan and Phil meet in person for the first time.

Content Warnings: None


{part two}

Dan's POV

The sun sets quickly, and soon the night arrives.

Street lights shine in the darkness as we trundle through town.

The Christmas market is on, and I laugh at how excited Phil is at everything.

For me, Christmas isn't a big deal.

But seeing Phil so happy gives me a feeling pure of joy.

He interlocks our hands as he runs up to a stall selling mulled wine and mince pies.

"Two, please!" His voice rings out, sending tingles up my spine.

Before long, I am handed a warm cup and I sip it slowly, wondering where Phil is taking me.

"Come on, it's not far from here! You'll love it!" His eyes crinkle as he smiles at me, letting out a laugh that sounds like twinkling bells.

After a short walk we find ourselves stood at the foot of a huge round structure.

It's beauty is breathtaking, and I get more excited when I realise what is happening.

I'm getting on the Manchester eye. With Phil.

The view is amazing. I never want it to end.

Seeing all the lights in Manchester whilst being so high up.

It's then that I feel a slight tug of my jacket, and see Phil below me.

"Dan, I'm scared of heights."

"Phil, you spork! Why did you want to come here, then?"

"Because the man said it was romantic."


Did I hear that right?

"Dan, I'm scared."

Looking down into those blue eyes melts my soul. (not that he has one) All I want to do in this moment is to kiss him.

I can't stay like this - fawning over him - not knowing whether or not he liked me, too.

But what if he doesn't like me?

Oh, whatever. You never know unless you try.

With this last thought, I lean in towards Phil.

He doesn't move away.

In fact, he moved closer, interlocking our lips together.


Whether outside the pods or inside my mind, there are fireworks.

His soft lips on mine are all I've ever wanted.

All those skype calls.

All those msm chats.

Replaying all his youtube videos, in awe of his beauty.

And he's mine.

Under the stars.

At the top of the Manchester eye.

Is this what they mean when they say 'Christmas magic'?

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