Twelve Drummers Drumming

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In which Dan decided he's ready to come out the closet.

Content Warnings: homophobia

Phil's POV

We were walking along the shopping street as the clock was striking midnight.

A new year.

I turned to Dan, proclaiming, "Happy New Year!" to him. But I was taken aback when Dan held my gaze for longer than he normally would. His eyes were scared but also determined.

"I want to kiss you, Phil." He said under his breath.

"A-are you sure? Dan... is this how you want to come out?"
He'd struggled for so long with his identity - and still did - the hate comments really got to him.

"I'm sure." He said it confidently, and leaned towards me.

I closed my eyes, smiling into the kiss. I was so proud of how far he'd come.

I felt him shaking, so I wrapped my arms around his body, bringing him into a hug.

"It's okay. It's going to be fine. You made the right choice." I whispered to him.

I just hoped he believed me.


It had been only a few hours, but photos were circling around the internet.

Dan drafted a tweet, with me sat next to him, and we attached a selfie of us kissing.

"hi guys so you may have seen a photo flying around - it's not photoshopped. 'phan' is real and i guess this is our coming out post. phil is bi and i'm gay. sorry to dissapoint the fangirls but phil's mine <3"

"Is it okay?" Dan chewed on his fingernail anxiously.

"It's perfect."

"Okay..." Dan hit send and we watched as the replies came flooding in.

"How do you cope with all the negative comments?" Dan asked me as we scrolled through favouriting the nice ones.

"I guess... I know what I feel is right. I don't care what anyone else says - if they want to believe bisexuality is a myth - they can. All that matters is that what you feel is right."

I smiled at him and he turned back to scrolling through the comments.

"I'm so proud of you, Dan. You started the year off right."
Before he could reply, I tackled him, landing on top of him and staring into his beautiful hazel eyes.

He giggled when I pecked his nose, "I'm glad I got to spend it with you."

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