The light bringer

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Forth stormed to the North wing as soon as he heard the news. He only left for a short moment, only after he made sure that his wife is fast asleep.

And then someone carries a message that his wife is giving birth? Forth thought as he was rushing through the hallway

When he reached the door, he was startled to see his Generals were already there, in their full armors, blocking the door.

Forth frowned at them. "Move"

The men didn't flinch.

"MOVE!!!!!" Forth bellowed in fury.

They looked at each other.

And Singto came forward. "I'm afraid I can do that my lord"
His hand was on the hilt of his sword, just in case.

"What the hell!? Let me in. I have to go inside!!"

"You are not allowed!"

"What the... I give orders here!!Open the fucking door!!" his voice thundered in the hallway.

Lam walked forward.
"You can't go inside your grace. You will harm the baby"

"Are you out of your mind!? It's my child!" Forth drew out his sword. "I'm not having this conversation move aside or I'm going to make my way"

The Generals quickly shifted aside, letting their king, reach the door, knowing their leaders fighting skills. And of course they had a second plan.

Glaring at them,Forth put his sword back in scabbard. He walked towards the door and tried to open it.

It was locked!

From inside the room a loud scream could be heard.

Forth turned around, clenching his jaw. His eyes were burning with fury.
"Give me the key before slice your throats"

"Key is inside"


"The Queen locked the door from inside" Lam stated. "My lord, please let me explain before you do anything"

Forth tightened his grip around the handle. His head was starting to explode with all the pain his mate was going through.
"No... I have to..."

Forth rested his forehead on the cold surface of the iron iron door, squeezing his eyes shut in pain. "I have to be there for him"

Lam looked back asking for the support of his fellows and Ming spoke up.
"The witch told me the news first. She said that if you see Beam in pain, you will try to kill the baby, because apparently he the main cause of his pain"

Forth looked back at him; his face was twisted in horror. "I would never..."

"I know that. But since you bonded with Beam and not with the baby, you might look at him as he is a threat"

The screaming and wailings got loud and unbearable.

Losing his self control, Forth started hitting and kicking the door, roaring, "Let me in!!!".
The door shuddered with the power of kicks.

And suddenly the screaming stopped and it was replaced with a high pitched screech.

.....a baby's cry.

Forth instantly stopped abusing the door and moved back a little. His eyes were glistening with tears.

With anticipation he waited until someone opens the door, which felt like an eternity. It seemed like there was a rush inside with all the rattling sounds he heard.

He heard the door unlocked. Then it opened, revealing Lizza, who had a huge grin on her face.
She quickly moved aside letting him in. Forth rushed in while the other remained outside.

The room was filled with the smell of blood, as if a slaughter happened there. The witch was ni where to be seen, only the maids and doctors of the palace tending the figure laying on bed.

Then Forth saw his mate, lying on a pool of blood. He walked closer and stood beside the bed to see Beam just lying there, with closed eyes. His white robe was  disheveled and drenched with blood.
A maid was cleaning the blood on his thighs.
"He just passed out, giving birth. Doctors said he would be fine in a moment" the maid stated.

Forth moved aside a strand of hair falling across Beam's face. His hair has grown longer with the pregnancy. It almost reached his ribs.

Forth leaned down and kissed his forehead.
"You did great my love" he said, gently; rubbing his cheekbone with his thumb.

While he was busy staring at his wife, to make sure he was fine, he heard a soft voice behind him.

"Your grace"

Forth quickly turned around to see the old witch, with a wriggling and mewling white bundle in her arms.

She spoke in a fond voice. "I present you, your heir, the future ruler of the four kingdoms, the light bringer, Lucas Jamorkhnum"


Light bringer is also a nick name for Lucifer. But here I don't intend to mean anything like that. Lucas has nothing to to anything with Lucifer. I just found about that recently so I couldn't change his name. 

Lucas means the person who brings light.
That's all. No Lucifer reference.

About his last name, see the beginning chapters.

It's Forth Jamorkhnum

Not Jaturaphoom.

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