The Gift

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"There are shifters?!. I thought they were already extinct"

Lisa pondered for a moment.

"I'm a dragon. So I don't know much about that. But they say only pure blood wolves are able to shift. And these are the only wolves in our kingdom who can shift"

That is sure a lot to take.
"What are they doing?"

"They are patrolling"

After I had lunch Lizza offered me a tour around the palace.

At library Lizza gave me a book, named 'Imperial code'.
"It has the rules to be followed by Empress and duty inside and outside the castle". She said. "Trust me. That's a lot."

I took the book and whinned,"I thought all Empress has to do is look pretty" I joked.

Lizza looked at me like asking me whether I was insane.

Then she brushed it off.
"Looking pretty is the main duty though" she replied, laughing.

I'm sure we are going to get along well.

It was evening when we came back to our chamber. Tour gave me a chance to get along with maids; who are now talking about the Emperor's generals they saw today.

Since Lizza is also a Generals' fan group now, I decided to sit back on my couch and read 'Imperial code - Empress'

I couldn't even open the book, I heard knock, "A gift from Emperor"

Before I could reply, Lizza made her way to the door saying,
"I'll take it from the door. If the guard see your highness he won't be able find his way back"

The gift turned out to be a beautiful and soft scarf made of fox fur.
Lizza placed it around my shoulder.
"Ain't your majesty so lucky? recieving beautiful fur clothes?"

I gave her a questionable look.

She smiled at me. "This cloth must be made from an animal that Emperor hunted himself. And giving this to you is telling you that he will take care of you always"

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