Becoming a one

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Beam stepped to the stable, clad in warm clothes.
Lizza made him wear a thick fur coat made of the fur of golden jackal, and his fox fur scarf.

When he arrived to the stable, Emperor was already there. He was caressing a black horse. It was bigger and muscular than the horses in Phixera.

Forth looked up the see his queen, wrapped in warm clothes. A smile drew on his lips right away.

He walked to Beam. " Are you warm enough? " He asked caressing his cheek.

Beam nodded " It's quite hot actually "
And he was desperately trying to get rid of the shy smile his face.

Forth wrapped his arm around Beam's waist and led him to the horse he was with before. Then he took Beam's gloved hand and placed it on horse's neck.

"His name is Machorka" he said. "He is the strongest in this whole continent. He is quite stubborn. You might have to get friendly with him before ride him"

Beam nodded and started caressing his neck gently. Horse was quite unhappy with this new person. He pulled away from Beam and neighed. Reflectively, Forth pushed Beam backward and glared at Machorka; his eyes shining in bright red. Horse was tamed by his masters look right away. He lowered his head.

Forth sighed. "I will deal with him later"

Emperor called Ming. "I guess I have to turn. Make sure Beam doesn't faint. When he is familiar with me, help him to get on"

Ming nodded, obeying his lord's order. Beam was quite annoyed by this talk that made no sense, but decided to get along nonetheless.

Forth took off his robes and handed them to Ming. He closed his eyes. Fur started to grew on his face and bare chest, bones started cracking. He leaned down until he was in all four. A few seconds later there was a huge wolf with shiny black fur in front of him.

Beam covered his mouth with his hand to stop screaming. It's true that he had seen him before. But not this close.

The wolf is more than 3 feet tall, even while leaning down. He anxiously let Ming to help him to get on wolf's back. Ming asked him to lean down and tightly grab the fur on its collar. Then he covered beam's back with Forth's robe.

After a one nod at Ming, Forth leaped to the woods with his Queen on his back


Wolf ran through woods. And her was faster than any other horse Beam has ever rode. The closer they got to the hills, closer it became cold. Beam leaned down seeking the warmth of the wolf.

In no time they arrived to the top of the hills. Wolf bent down, letting Beam get down from it's back. 



I slowly got down from wolf's back  and wandered to the edge of the peak. Forth trailed behind me. 

The scenery was beyond beautiful. Below was the hundred acres of woods with frosty tops. Gray sky, with a patch of light where the sun is hidden behind clouds. Far away I can see the main Land of Zebalga, surrounded by 500 feet wall. To here, wall was not taller than 2 inches. We might have travelled more than 50 miles in no time. Seriously how fast is he!?

Wind was extremely cold; it pricked my skin, which was under thick layers of fur and leather, like needles. I pulled Forth's leather robe closer to my body, shivering from sensation.

Forth moved closer , and laid beside me, covering my whole body from wind. I snuggled to his fur right away. We stayed like that for a while, enjoying each other's presence.

"I'm happy" I said, knowing that he can hear and understand everything I say. "You did nothing but making me happy ever since I came to Zebalga. I know that our marriage is purely convenient. But... I wouldn't wish for a better husband"

Seeing you happy is my greatest pleasure my queen...

I raised my head and looked around searching for the owner of that voice. Strange... it felt like it came from inside my head!

My stare landed on Forth. He was staring at me; a loving look on his eyes.

It seems like bond has finally formed, my queen...


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Stay sweet!
Stay awesome!

Love you all so much 😘😘😘

Forthbeam- Snow Whiteजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें