The Wolf.

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Beam's POV

When I woke up I was in an unfamiliar room. Then it hit me. I'm might be in Zebalga now. Of course it is going to be unfamiliar. 

I sat up and looked around. The room was huge and magnificent.
Everything had a shade of scarlet and black.
Even the bed spread was dark red.

Then I took a look at myself

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Then I took a look at myself. For my devastation I was still wearing the dress I wore when I departed from Phixera.

I heard a knock when I was struggling to get out from the bed. A woman spoke from outside.
"Your Majesty, may I come in?"

I cleared my throat. "Yes"

The door opened and a young woman walked in. She stood in front of the bed and bowed.

"I was appointed as your personal assistant my lord. My name is Lizza Manoban"

I gave a nod. "Is that so? Can you me to he out from the bed? I'm kind of stuck here."

She hurried to me and started removing bed spreads.
"I'm sorry my lord. I was strictly ordered to keep you warm."

I chuckled as I got off from bed.
"Don't mind it. I should be thankful for your effort"

Then she looked at the door and gave a nod. Five young woman walked in.
Lizza started introducing them.
"They are your personal maids from now on"

I gave a slight nod. "I'm in your care."

One of them spoke to Lizza. "Bath is ready madame".
Lizza lead the way to bath house. Maids walked behind us.
Bath house was a chamber with wooden walls. Walls were decorated with lamps, that gave out a faint light.

Lizza helped me to remove my silk robes

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Lizza helped me to remove my silk robes. When I had nothing but my cotton pants and shirt, she helped me to get into the water.
"Is water warm enough my lord?"

"Yes its great". Water indeed was great and relaxing to my body.

Maids placed few glass bowls on the wooden edge. "These contain honey and lemon bathing powder, lotus oil and rose oil. Please apply them to your liking"

I replied with a nod.

"Lizza placed change of clothes on a bunk beside the pool. "If you need something I'm just out of the door. Don't hesitate to call"

Then they bowed and walked out.
I started to relax in the warm water.
Bath was extremely relaxing after the tired journey I had (even though all I did was sitting in Emperor's carriage)

Lizza accompanied me to my room.
On my way through corridor, I could see soldiers training in the field, through latticed windows.

Then I saw something interesting.
Six wolves walking through the field. A beautiful black wolf leading the way. Other five following behind.

Peculiar thing was that soldiers paused their training to bow to the head wolf.

I turned to Lizza "I didn't know there are real wolves around palace?"  I asked pointing outside.

Lizza looked through the window. "Oh that's Emperor and his five generals"



Hey guys!!
New chapter!
I guess this is the longest I've written so far.
Plz vote and comment!  :)

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