Ride to Zebalga

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After signing contract, Beam took time to bid farewell to his colleagues and his mother.

Nobles bid farewell to their beloved prince.
Marianne hugged his son. "I will come to Zebalga before your wedding; with your bridal garments and all" she said. " Stay safe. Stay strong. Be careful with your words. Try not to be sassy with emperor"
Beam released himself from her brace and smiled. "I'll be good mom"

Then he went to his best friends. Kit and Phana. They patted his back.
"We will meet again at  your wedding. We have to accompany Queen Marianne anyway"

Beam nodded. Both of them accompanied him out of the hall.

Outside the Palace, he met with Emperor and his generals. Queen Raselean was with them.

Beam was wearing a white cotton dress and a thick black robe. He was still wearing the veil. He bowed his Queen. 
Raselean nodded.

She signaled the guards to open the main gate. Outside the wall was a troupe of less than 500 soldiers. Other troupes must be at the border.
In front of the gate there was Emperor's carriage. Forth guided Beam to his carriage and helped his to get inside. He took off his fur robe and gave it to Beam.

"When we get closer to Zebalgar it will get cold" he said.

Then got onto the black horse that was taken to him by a soldier.

Beam was stunned. Maybe Emperor is not as cruel as they say

Journey to Zebalga took two days. When they reach the castle it was almost midnight.

When they are inside Forth got off from his horse and called Ming.
"Tell a maid to Prepare a chamber for Beam. And make sure it is warmed enough"

Ming nodded and walked inside.

It was the last days of winter in North. It wasn't that harder on wolves; but the climate can affect other clans, specially Phoenixes, who were brought up in a warm and cozy environment.

Forth opened the door of his carriage. Beam had fallen asleep, snuggling into emperor's fur robe.
Forth scooped him in to his arms and carried him inside the castle. He did not took off his veil.

He is going to get rid of that stupid veil soon.

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