Chapter 36

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Even though I had so much running through my mind I managed to fall into a deep sleep after Cassie and Tyler left. I don't know why Nate stayed but I was too tired to argue, and if I were being honest I felt safer with him beside me.

A few hours later I wake up in a cold sweat after a nightmare. Gasping for breath I sit up in the bed.

"Jenna? What's wrong?" Nate asks standing and coming to my side, stroking my hair. I break down in sobs as Nate takes me into his arms.

I move over to make room on the bed for him. He climbs up and pulls me half on top of him. With his arms wrapped tightly around me and my face buried in his chest I start to fall asleep again.


The next day after being released from the hospital we go back to Nate's house. As scared as I was and as relieved as I am, I'm not sure this is where I want to be. Unfortunately when I tried to suggest I stay with some old friends, I was shut down all around.

Cassie, Tyler and Nate all refuse to let me out of their sights for more than 10 minutes at a time. They always make sure at least one of them is with me all the time.

I start towards the stairs to go up to the guest room but Nate's voice stops me.

"What are you doing?" He asks.

"Going upstairs. I'm tired so I'm going to bed. Unless you've changed your mind about having me here?" I ask, glaring at him.

"Of course not but you're not sleeping upstairs." Before I know it he has lifted me off my feet and into his arms. Stunned I say nothing until he puts me down in front of his bed.

"Why did you bring me here?" I snap.

He steps forward and lifts his hand up to cup my cheek. "I thought you might feel safer down here with me than alone upstairs."

Why does he care? I think to myself.  We were never real to him. He just wanted to add another notch on his bedpost. Sadly though as angry as I am I do feel safe knowing he's close by.

I lean into his touch and try to forget about my anger and heartache at Nate's betrayal. Instead I remember how helpless I felt at the mercy of Travis's hand. I thought he was my friend but he also lied to me. I know now that he had problems but why did all this have to happen to me.

I don't even realize I'm crying till Nate hugs me tightly to him. I sob into his chest as I replay the events of the last few days. After a while I calm down and my tears stop. I pull back and look up at Nate.

I love him. It may have just been a game to him but it wasn't to me. I had hoped to give my body to the man I loved and spent the rest of my life with. After nearly having that choice taken away from me I would rather be with the man I love, even if he doesn't love me back and have it be my choice.

"Hey..." he whispers. "Everything thing is going be ok. I know we have a lot to talk about but..."

I cut him off by pushing him onto the bed, straddling him and crushing my lips against his. He's right, we do have a lot to talk about but I'm not ready to hear what he has to say just yet.

"Jenna what are you doing?" He asks breaking the kiss.

"I need you Nate. Please... I- I need you. I can still feel his touch." I beg with a shiver.

"" He whispers gently, his eyes softening.

"Please Nate. I don't ever want to be in a situation like that again. I need to be the one to make that choice and I want it to be you."

"Jenna what are you - are you sure about this? You've just been through an ordeal, I don't want you to be hasty and have regrets later."

"I won't! Do you know what I thought when Travis was laying on top of me after having striped me bare, touching me all over?... I- I thought of you. Of how I should have just been with you because at least I love you!"

Nate stares at me wide eyed as he sucks in a sharp breath of surprise. Then he rolls us over so that he's on top off me. Baring his weight on his forearms to keep it off me. "Is this okay? Would you feel more comfortable on top?"

"No! This is perfect. With you it... feels right."

Do you think Jenna is making a rash decision? Should Nate give in so quick?
Comment and let me know what you think.

Also if you have enjoyed my story so far please vote!

Much love

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