Chapter 20

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Wow! My mind is blown. My body is completely relaxed. I don't feel like moving a muscle. I could just close my eyes and fall asleep right here. No guy has ever done that to me before. Now I get why girls like it so much. It felt amazing.

I should be freaking out. This isn't like me. I haven't even done something like that with someone who was my actual boyfriend. Nate is my friend and pretend boyfriend and I have let him use his fingers and his mouth on me on two separate occasions.

I've only had one boyfriend before and we never got that far. We were together for 3 months and he was a sweet guy that respected my reasons for abstinance and still wanted to date me. We kissed and touched and he tried to get me off with his fingers once but never with his mouth. With Nate things just felt right and man did he know how to use his tongue.

Nate looks at me and laughs. "You should probably go clean up a little." He says gesturing to the bathroom with a smug smile on his face.

I toss a cushion at him but get up and go to the bathroom. After freshening myself up and fixing my hair I walk back into the room to find Nate waiting for me on the bed. Suddenly nervous and kind of embarrassed to look him in the eye I look down at my feet and bite my lip.

He comes up to me and grasps my chin between his thumb and forefinger. "Stop biting your lip." He scolds, pulling my lip free from between my teeth. "That's my job." He bites my lip and I gasp. He soothes the sting with his tounge and then he kisses me softly.

"We should head back upstairs. I'm sure the foods done by now. And Cassie must be looking for you."

I nod and he takes my hand and leads me back outside. When Nate's friends see us they holler and some whistle. I flush with embarrassment knowing they have an idea of what Nate and I were up to. Although they probably think we did more. Nate just laughs and presses a kiss to the top of my head. Then he pulls me toward his friends and introduces me.

After a while Cassie and Ty join us. Cassie teases me and makes me promise to give her details later. Honestly I can't wait to have some girl time with her and spill my guts. For once I actually have something exciting to share about a guy and it's not from one of my books.

We eat and drink and just have fun hanging out. When it starts getting darker a few more people show up. Some of the guys start a fire down on the beach and we head down there to enjoy it's warmth.

Nate pulls me to sit on his lap as he talks and laughs with his friends. His hand unconsciously stroking my arm or my thigh. He is constantly touching me or placing little kisses on me since the incident in his bedroom earlier. And I'm not the only one that notices. Cassie sees it too and she sends me a wink. I smile and lean back against Nate, reveling in his touches.

I know I shouldn't but I dare to think that this time is different. Things really could have changed.

Hey guys!

What do you think? Are things really going to be different or is Jenna just being too optimistic?

Please comment and vote!


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