Chapter 4

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"Who the hell was that?!" April asks, as if I have any idea.

I had never seen the doe eyed beauty before but I sure wouldn't mind seeing her again. I saw the way she checked me out. It was nothing new,  women were always running their hungry eyes over my body but there was something about her. The way she bit her luscious bottom lip the lower her eyes trailed made my dick twitch.

"Nate! Are you even listening to me? I thought you locked the door?"

The more April bitched the more she reminded me of Celeste. I never lock my door during a party unless I want to be left alone. Everyone knew that so I guess little Miss luscious lips is new and got lost.

"I'm heading downstairs. Take your time getting dressed" I say while I slip my T-shirt back on.

"Are you serious? We aren't even done!" she screams.

"Sorry babe, moods gone. Maybe next time."

I need a fucking drink. That chick's voice gave me a damn headache and thinking of Celeste is always a bad idea. 

My parents think I'm going through a phase and are just waiting for me to grow up and act my age.

They plan for me to take over in the family business when my dad retires, marry my bitch of an ex-girlfriend and live a life where the most exciting part of my day is playing golf with potential clients and business associates.

Suffice it to say that's not I want. I'm only 25 years old. I want to live life to the fullest.

By the time my dad decides to retire I'll be ready to take over. However I hate playing golf, I only play when my father insists I join. As for my ex, Celeste, I never want to see that lying, cheating bitch again.

A year ago I was happy to follow my parents plans for me. I thought Celeste and I were happy and would end up growing old together. Boy was I an idiot.

I went to surprise Celeste with lunch at her condo one day and found her fucking not 1 but 2 guys. Celeste's betrayal cut deep so I decided relationships aren't for me.

I love the freedom of being single. I can do what I want when I want to without having to answer to someone else. I can fuck a different girl every night or maybe even 3 at the same time if I want to.

Ignoring the people that try to stop me to talk I make my way into the kitchen and grab a beer from the fridge.

1 beer turns into 3 and soon I'm being talked into doing body shots.

I lean down to take a shot from between some redheads tits when I feel someones eyes on me.

I look up to see the same doe eyed girl for before. Keeping my eyes trained on her I suck back the shot, slam the glass down and start toward her.

I just found my new distraction for the night...

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