Chapter 19

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I wake up around noon the next day. I have nothing better to do and I love my sleep. After taking a shower and getting dressed for the day I go down stairs to get some breakfast. I'm surprised to find Cassie, Tyler and Nate in the kitchen.


"Good afternoon sleepy head." Cassie greets.

"Finally, you're awake!" Nate's says with excitement. He picks me up, spins me around and kisses me hard before placing me back on my feet.

"Woah. What was that for?"

"You deserve an Oscar for last night."


"I spoke to Matt this morning. He said my parents were arguing after we left last night." He says with a huge grin.

"Wait. You're happy that your parents were fighting about us. That's not what I wanted."

"No. Of course I don't want them to fight. I'm happy because Matt told me he heard dad say that my mom needs to apologize to you."

"I still don't get why that makes you happy."

"Because! If he wants her to apologize it means he believes we really are together. If he thought  you were just some random chick I was fucking he would never tell her to do that."

"Oh. Well now that makes more sense."

Nate chuckles. "We're having a barbeque tonight. You can invite some friends if you want."


Tyler and Nate head out to pick up supplies for the barbeque tonight and I tell Cassie all about last night's dinner.Tyler thought my arrangement with Nate was nuts. Cassie thought that maybe this would make Nate fall for me. Even though I told her that wasn't going to happen a part of me hoped he would.


When Nate said he was having a barbeque I thought he meant a few people were coming over to hang out, eat and relax. There were almost as many people as the first party I attended here.

The music wasn't as loud though and most of the people seemed to just kick back and relax out on the deck or in front of the TV. This was definitely tame for these guys.

I didn't know anyone else here so I hung around Cassie and Tyler. Nate was off by the grill drinking with some friends. I hated feeling like a third wheel but I also didn't want to go back inside, it was too noisy. So I decide to go for a little walk on the beach.

I break away from the little group I was sitting with and walk towards the stairs. A hand on my shoulder halts my steps. I look up to see the blond hottie from the party last weekend smiling at me. "Uh... Hi." I say with a shy wave.

"Hey. We didn't get to talk last time. I'm Calvin." He says with a smile, holding out his hand.

"I'm Jenna." I place my hand in his and he presses a kiss to it.

"It's nice to be able to put a name to the face.... And those sweet lips."

I blush and laugh nervously. "Yeah, I was a little drunk that night and I'm not much of a drinker."

"Well maybe tonight we can get to know each other sober." he says with a charming grin.


"Why would you want to get shackled to one woman again?"

"Yeah I thought you loved the variety of the single life."

I just grin and shake my head. The guys have been giving me shit since I confirmed that the rumors are true.

"She's not like all the others man."

"What do you mean?"

"She doesn't chase after me like the others. And she's not giving it up till she knows I'm serious."

"You mean you haven't fucked her?" Chad asks staring at me in disbelief.

"Not yet. She's gonna make me work for it and I'll enjoy doing it too. Easy ass gets boring fast and I do love a good challenge." I smirk.

"So you're giving her what she wants till she gives you what you want?"

I say nothing. Just smile and take a drink of my beer.

"I knew it! I fucking knew you wouldn't just give up all the free pussy you get!"

"Shut the fuck up asshole. He obviously doesn't want the world to know." Noel says smacking Chad in the head.

I shake my head and turn to grab a new beer when something catches my eye. I look over by the stairs and see Jenna flirting with Cal 'the douche' Donahugh. He's standing way to fucking close to her. She keeps smiling and laughing at whatever he's saying.

"Looks like the douche is trying to move in on your girl. That fucker always wants what you have."

I ignore Chad and make my way over to Jenna and Donahugh . When I reach them I pull Jenna into my arms and kiss her till she's breathless. "There you are baby. I was looking for you." I press another kiss to her lips and keep my arms around her waist before turning to face Cal.

"Donahugh. What's up man?"

"Parker. Nothing much, just chatting with a beautiful woman." He says with a stupid grin on his face.

I pull Jenna closer. "My girl is a real beauty isn't she?" I say and kiss her again. "Let's go inside." I whisper against her cheek but make sure to be loud enough for Donahugh to hear me.

"Uh-um...I'll see you around Calvin."

I pull her away before he can reply. We push past people and make our way down to my room. I unlock my door and pull her inside before locking the door again.

"What was that about? What..."

I cut her off by sealing my mouth over hers. She smells like vanilla and I love it. I walk us over to the bed and push her onto it before climbing on top of her. Her tounge tangles with mine and she moans when I press my raging hardon against her hot center.

I grind up against her as I trail kisses over her neck. I slide my hands over her breasts and down her sides till I reach the hem of her skirt. I push her skirt up and start to work her panties off.

"Nate... What are you doing?" She asks in a raspy whisper.

"Trust me." I tell her and kiss her quick then move down her body. I press a kiss to her hip and then her thigh before repeating on the other side while gently caressing her thighs, slowly easing them apart. I place a kiss to her clit and she let's out a squeak. "Fuck baby, look how wet you are for me."

"Nate please, I've haven't... No one's ever..."

I knew what she was trying to tell me. No one had ever gone down on her before. I would be the first and the caveman in me liked that, a lot.

"Just relax sweetheart. You're going to love this."

Hey guys!

Let me know what you think of Nate's jealous and things heating up between them.


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