Chapter 24

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"Let's go. Good night guys." She says, still not looking at me. She hasn't spared me a glance since she walked downstairs.

"Have fun. Be careful. Watch her Brody, I mean it!" Cassie shouts behind them. Tyler introduced Brody as a friend of Cassie and Jenna's. But I don't like the way he was looking at her.

"Where are they going?" I ask and I'm rewarded with an icy glare from Cassie.

"If she wanted you to know she would have told you and if you really wanted to know you would have asked her." She says before storming off go the kitchen.

"What was that all about?" I ask Tyler.

"Apparently you have been avoiding Jenna so Cassie is pissed at you."

"I haven't been avoiding her. I've been busy." I lie.

"Yeah, that's why you haven't kissed your girlfriend in almost 10 days even though you live in the same house?" Cassie asks walking back into the living room. "I thought you said things had changed."

"They have."

"Prove it. They are going to Impulse. " she says with a challenging gleam in  her eyes.

Okay so I have been kind of avoiding Jenna after being with Melody in New York but I wasn't going to tell anyone that. So I guess I was going to Impulse tonight.


When I get to the club I'm let in right away. I'm on the VIP list cause I know the owner, Chris, we went to school together. I know I'm not going to be able to see Jenna through the crowd so I go upstairs to the VIP section. It over looks the bottom half of the club and I'll  be able to look for her.

I greet a few people, grab a drink from the bar and then start looking for Jenna. Its hard to see in the darkness of the club with the masses of people around. I try to look for that little gold dress she had on. It clung to her every curve and made her legs look longer. She looked so sexy, and I wasn't the only one that noticed.

Some girls come up to talk to me. Some I know, some know me but all of them have heard that I have a girlfriend now. Barely hearing what they have to say I keep searching the crowd. And then I see her dancing with that Brody prick. His hands are roaming her body, his face is buried in the crook of her neck and she's smiling like she's having the time of her life.

I push my way through the crowds and make my way to them. My blood boils watching them. He has no right to touch her. I pull her from his arms and her shocked gaze meets mine. Brody looks at me with shock but also amusement. He won't be amused when when I smash my fist through his face.

"What are you doing?!" Jenna says trying to pull away from me.

I pull her closer and lean down to look her in the eye. "What the fuck were you doing? We're leaving." I start pulling her towards the exit and drags her heels trying to stay. Once we get outside I start in the direction of my car.

"Nate stop it! Let me go!"

I turn around to face her. "You stop it. You're causing a scene."

"Says the guy dragging my away against my will!"

"Everything okay Jenny?" I look up and see Brody has followed us out to the parking lot.

"She's fine." I snarl.

"Jen?" He asks as if I haven't spoken.

Letting Jenna go I stalk toward him and grab him by his collar. "I said she's fine. Now leave my girlfriend alone." I let go of his collar and push him back a step.

"Nate what is wrong with you?!  Brody are you alright?" Jenna asks rushing to his side.

"What's wrong with me? What do you think people are gonna say about my girlfriend grinding up against some guy, that's not me, in the middle of a club?"

Brody says something to her and she shakes her head. She whispers something back to him and then he leans down to kiss her cheek. He looks at her and then at me before turning around and going back inside.

"Let's just go. This isn't the place for us to be talking."  She says, crossing her arms.

I take her to my car and open the door for her. She gets in, not looking at me at all. I drive around for a while, trying to clear my head. Then I drive to the park, switch off the car and turn to look at her.

"You let him put his hands on you. He was kissing your neck. I thought I told you things had changed between. Why would you do this?"

"What are you talking about?" She ask incredulously. "He never kissed me, he was taking into my ear so I could hear him over the music. And we were dancing, that's why his hands were on me. Why do you even care? You've been ignoring me since you got back from New York."

"I have not been ignoring you. I've been busy. There's a lot going on at work."

"Oh please, don't give me that crap. You've been avoiding your own house just so you don't have to see me. I didn't force you into anything Nate. You should have just told me how you really feel."

"Baby," I sigh. "I'm sorry. I've been an asshole. I hated seeing you get all dressed up for him and then watching him touch you. I wanted to rip his arms off, I was so mad. How I feel about you... it's, well to be honest it scares me."

"Why?" She whispers reaching up to touch my face. I place my hand on hers and lean my cheek into her palm.

"I told you how things went down with me and Celeste. I'm worried that you could do the same."

"Nate, I would never! You know my dad cheated on my mom. I hate cheaters, I would never do something like that to you or anyone else."

"Then what was that with Brody in there?" I ask pulling away from her.

"Brody is an old friend from high school. He's back in town and he wanted to catch up. He's even coming to dinner tomorrow night. I only came with him tonight cause I was upset that you were ignoring me."

"So every time something happens between us are you going to go out with some other guy?"

"Oh my God! Would you stop it already? Brody is GAY!"

I stare at her in shock. "What?"

"He was probably way more interested in you than he would ever be in me." she says rolling her eyes.

"Oh." I grimace and she laughs. "Can we just forget about all this and go back to the way things were before I left."

"I'd like that." She says with a soft smile. I lean over to her side and press my lips to hers.

"Let's go home so we can make up properly. The best part of fighting is make up sex." I smirk.

"Except we won't actually be having sex."

"Oral is good enough babe. As long as we both get off it's a win-win."

She laughs and we head home. We spend hours kissing and making up. It makes me feel like an idiot for trying to keep my distance from her. I was punishing both of us for nothing.

I wasn't lying when I said my feelings for her scare me. They do but I'm learning to accept that I do have feelings for her.

Guilt creeps in and I start to feel like shit. Maybe hooking up with Melody wasn't such a great idea after all.

Hey guys!

Did Nate have any right to be jealous after being such an ass? Should Jenna believe what he said after all he's done?

Please comment and vote!



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